Yes if I wrote about me it was what I have done . When you do it for over 36 years up to 16 hours a day you have time to have a lot of different experiences that the average coyote hunter , caller doesn't . I went for a lot of years that I only slept 2-4 hours a day and hunted coyote nearly every day except maybe 10 to 15 days out of the year . I worked two jobs control and as a welder mill wright at a power plant on night shift to support my family . For most of that time I had traps and snares out 7 days a week 365 days a year it wasn't a hobby it was a way of life and a never ending quest for knowledge of the coyote . I retired from it in 2018 but still have a very healthy interest in coyote control as coyote were my specialty , they were my main target but any animal that was killing livestock was taken also . There are people out there that have had more experiences then me and have learned far more then I have but don't talk about it . A lot of the people out there still doing coyote control are quiet professionals just going about their lives and doing their jobs well . I didn't start to share my experiences till after I retired from it . I did try to help some others get a good start in their careers but found that few of them were willing to spend the amount of time and effort at it that I did . It seemed that if they were to be asked to put in more then a 40 hour work week they didn't want any part of it . Breeding season , denning season then in the fall dispersal are very busy times of the year for control workers .
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