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Ramblings and Such From Hunting Coyote

didn't you two take your Ritalin as a child?? :oops:😂 oh that's right, when we were kids there was no such thing.

No, but there was phenobarbital. I was one of those kids that got labeled as being "hyper-active" and they gave that to me for a while. It didn't faze me in the least. When my mother figured out that it worked much better if she just took it herself and let me run around like a little monkey, the situation improved dramatically. I had a blast just being a busy little kid. ( My nick-name when I was little was "CYCLONE.") If it hadn't been for Grandma living right next door, I probably never would have lived into the adolescent years. She knew how to keep me busy and tire me out. When I tell my wife about some of the things I did when I was a young'un, she puts the palms of her hands together and thanks God Almighty that she & I never had kids together. They almost certainly would have been monsters.
I had one of my most memorable calling experiences this last fall. I was up in my home country of Northeastern Montana and the wind hadn't been good for a couple of days. Finally one afternoon it went down and I went to an out-of-way area that doesn't see much human activity. The slight breeze was out of the north and I had a two mile drainage in front of me that was ideal calling country. I put the caller out about 40 yards and sat down at the base of about a 50 foot high hill in the shade. I was facing north and the sun was going down behind me over my left shoulder. Most everything was in the shade, but the top half of the hillside to my right about 75 yards away was golden aglow with the setting sun. After about 25 minutes and no action I was about ready to stand up and leave. I glanced over my right shoulder at that golden hillside and saw the silhouettes of two coyotes trotting in on the hill behind me straight downwind. I thought, oh crap, and spun around in my seat with my rifle almost pointed straight up as the little hill I was sitting against was very steep. I figured all I would see would just be their head when they peeked over the top and all I would have time for would be a quick shot if they didn't get my wind. Then I saw a shadow streak back across the hill in the direction they had come from and then a second one do the same. I could see their shadows as they continued the coyote "bounce" back to where they came from. If I had look 5 seconds sooner or 5 seconds later I would never have known they were there. I wonder how many times I have been backdoored in the 50 years I have been calling and never known it. Even though I didn't shoot anything it was one of my most memorable calling sets ever. What a rush.
I have walked out of a stand more than a few times with coyote tracks over my inbound tracks in the snow. What about when there is no snow? No matter how well we know the country, at times they come in a different way or should I say unexpected way.
Been busy last few days so haven't had time to post but have been keeping up lol. On the matter of the "6th sense" being electrical I have a strong belief this to be true. I think I have witnessed this on waterfowl and turkeys. Sometimes when the background and or lighting is just right you can almost see them "glow". A great hunting friend who also was very knowlegable about the local Indians that were in our area had read of their stories that spoke about the aura of the turkeys. I think the HECS has a valid theory and would love to try one if the checkbook would let me lol.
You all were also discussing EMFs which also intreiged me. I am a pump station operator for a levee district. I spend countless hours, days, and sometimes weeks at a time inside a building with 2 HUGE synchronous electric motors and pumps made back in the mid to late '20s. I can only imagine the field I'm exposed to on a regular basis.
Nicholasjohn, you spoke of sleeping on a grounding mat, WTH is that? I'm interested to know more about this.
Apologize for further falling off topic BUT the title of the thread does say Ramblings so I'm calling my tangent to fall under that. Sorry and thank you.
Been busy last few days so haven't had time to post but have been keeping up lol. On the matter of the "6th sense" being electrical I have a strong belief this to be true. I think I have witnessed this on waterfowl and turkeys. Sometimes when the background and or lighting is just right you can almost see them "glow". A great hunting friend who also was very knowlegable about the local Indians that were in our area had read of their stories that spoke about the aura of the turkeys. I think the HECS has a valid theory and would love to try one if the checkbook would let me lol.
You all were also discussing EMFs which also intreiged me. I am a pump station operator for a levee district. I spend countless hours, days, and sometimes weeks at a time inside a building with 2 HUGE synchronous electric motors and pumps made back in the mid to late '20s. I can only imagine the field I'm exposed to on a regular basis.
Nicholasjohn, you spoke of sleeping on a grounding mat, WTH is that? I'm interested to know more about this.
Apologize for further falling off topic BUT the title of the thread does say Ramblings so I'm calling my tangent to fall under that. Sorry and thank you.

I think this qualifies pretty well as a 'Rambling." Another guy just asked me about the grounding sheets, in a private message to me. I know they don't like us to post websites and links & such on the forum, but if you send me your email address, I'll send you the info I plan to send him. It's fascinating stuff, and I have used it to improve my quality of life, and I'm happy to share.

I'm a firm believer in using the earth as my ground . I enjoy the feel of it setting standing ect. . I know that when you are at ease the animals are less aware of you . Troy and I were out denning , I had gotten the female the morning before , We knew where she had came from so had slipped in through a saddle and sat up by a juniper down 50 or so feet from the crest of the ridge . I let out my howls and we waited just a couple of minutes when the male answered as well as the pups . I started in with some puppy squeals and saw him start our way from nearly a mile out . he came in and Troy got him at around 100 yards . We then went to the den it was 3 feet down from the top of a cut bank . We got set up and started to wire the pups out when one tried to make a run for it . I grabbed for him but he turned and grabbed me by the thumb one of his little sharp canines pierced my thumb nail . I grabbed him by the scruff of the neck with my left hand and yelled to Troy to hit him in the head . Troy was looking at me eyes wide open then he said I don't want to hurt your hand . I said I don't think your going to hurt me any more then he is right now . We finally got his tooth out of my thumb nail and got him killed . I sure was glad to get him off of my hand . Troy and I had a good laugh after wards .
ReemtyJ , No I didn't Mom just put me to work doing my chores then told me when I finished them to be back from the country side by dark . We lived 5 miles from town and a mile from the nearest neighbor . My brother and I had a lot of good adventures when school was out . We lived outdoors most of the time and felt like caged animals when the weather wouldn't allow us to be out of the house .
This is not a hunting story , but I will offer my own observation of the amazing intelligence that the Coyote possesses .
If I am remembering the date correctly , I think that it was late fall , 2005 when I was fortunate enough to view a coyote for at least 10 minutes , from a distance of 30 yards , in my backyard under full illumination from floodlights mounted at my back porch .
At that time , my son had left his dog with me to keep for several weeks , and since I do not have a fenced-in yard , and the dog was not a house dog , we kept him on a 25' cable-leash , that was connected to another cable that was strung between 2 trees that are 30' apart . The primary leash was looped around the cable between the 2 trees , allowing the dog to freely move between the trees as well as his 25' leash , giving him some range of motion . His dog house and food and water bowls were set next to the tree on the south end of the cable . About 9:00 PM one night the dog began barking viscously and incessantly , so I flipped-on the back yard floodlights , and looked outside to check what was happening . The dog had his leash stretched tight , as far as he could go to the west direction , and there , not even 1 foot from his nose was a coyote standing there looking at him , almost nose-to-nose . I had my wife grab my pistol as i quietly unlocked and slightly opened the back door . My son's dog was a red colored Australian Heeler cattle dog that weighed 48 pounds , and that coyote was equally his size . I knew that the dog would be in trouble if the coyote attacked , due to being tethered to the cable and leash , so I was going to shoot the coyote if necessary, even though I live in a residential area , with houses all around . Before I raised my pistol to shoot , the coyote began walking to the tree on the north end , farthest away from the doghouse , all the while staying just out-of-reach of the dog . Walking slowly , with the dog following every step , the coyote began a clockwise circle around the tree there on the north end of the cable . with every circle around the tree , the dog's leash became shorter , until the dog was nearly reeled-in against the tree trunk . At that point I stepped out onto my back porch and took aim , because I knew that the dog had no chance of defending himself , being wrapped onto the tree trunk .
The coyote walked away from the dog , over to the dog's food bowl , and ate all of the food in the bowl , drank the water , and then went and pi--ed on the dog house , to mark his territory .
When he finished his meal and taking a leak , the coyote looked at me as if to let me know that he had been watching me all of the time and then slowly walked away .

I did not shoot that coyote for 2 reasons , I have houses all around me , and a 10mm pistol bullet would have passed through and Heaven only knows where else it would have gone . But the main reason that I did not shoot it was my amazement that he had shown such intelligence in earning his evening meal .