Questions concerning the Forster Power Trimmer.


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2009
Heflin, AL
I've got a few thousand .223 cases that I would like to convert over to 300 BLK.

Read a thread recently that talked about several different methods but I think the Forster Power Trimmer seems to be the logical way for me to go since I have a drill press.

But I need to know what all I need to purchase along with the trimmer. It looks to me like the Power Case Trimmer, part number> PT1010 comes with everything I'll need except for the pilot and collet.

If I'm understanding things correctly, I'll need the Forster Collet #1 (part# CT 2001) and the Forster Pilot .308 (part# CT1030).

Also, has anyone tried the hollow pointing tool to open up some SMK's?

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