Question about my new barrel?

Sounds like he received way better treatment than i did when ordereing a custom barrel through them. Their barrels are great for accuracy but I'll never order a custom from them again. I have ordered in stock standard barrels they made after my bad experience and they are good shooters.
Glad you are getting good service.
I have seen this many times when re contouring barrels. What happens is the barrel maker contours the barrel and then some mullet center less buffs it to remove the machine marks and leaves the belt in one place leaving a low area.

Is it bad ? I think so because it allows the barrel to move when heated up causing a shift in the POI. Barrel should be straight and true with uniform thickness the length of the barrel at any point.

One of the main reason to re contour is to true up this problem if it occurs

The barrel maker should make it good for you. No matter who makes the barrel, it is not what you expect in a custom barrel.

Do you have a picture of it?
270WSM barrel edit.jpg
All I can say is,O MY GOSH! you every right to be upset. That is unsatisfactory. ctw
Your smith needs glasses! From the picture, it looks more like something hit it in several places. Am I right that there's several places of indentations? That's what it looks like. If it is, I don't think it left Brux that way. Usually, barrels are shipped in very sturdy tubes; but they can be damaged by poor placement by the cargo carrier. Again, the smith should have noticed a crushed tube. So I'm still wondering what and when it happened.
Your smith needs glasses! From the picture, it looks more like something hit it in several places. Am I right that there's several places of indentations? That's what it looks like. If it is, I don't think it left Brux that way. Usually, barrels are shipped in very sturdy tubes; but they can be damaged by poor placement by the cargo carrier. Again, the smith should have noticed a crushed tube. So I'm still wondering what and when it happened.
It appears to me that it is the entire diameter, not just some indentations. That tells me that it is exactly as JE Customs said. The person running the sander left it in a couple spots for a little too long. Surprised it made it past QC.
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