PST comparible scope

I'll call the shop tomorrow then. $450 is several hundred under wholesale price. How a Gunshop (retail with high overhead) can sell below wholesale is kind of questionable. If they really are $450, don't expect there to be any left after I call em, they'll be selling like hot cakes for $700 each on 6mmbr.
I'll call the shop tomorrow then. $450 is several hundred under wholesale price. How a Gunshop (retail with high overhead) can sell below wholesale is kind of questionable. If they really are $450, don't expect there to be any left after I call em, they'll be selling like hot cakes for $700 each on 6mmbr.

That's why I passed it along, hopefully someone will get a good deal. Real nice shop to deal with and they really go out of their way to take care of the U.S Coast Guard members that buy from them. Enjoy!!!
will i regret it if i go with SFP pst. This will be a hunting scope with yardage turrets.

For hunting I doubt you will regret getting the SFP. It all depends what you plan to use it for. The SFP has a slightly thinner reticule which you might like better then the FFP for punching holes in paper. You will love the custom turret calibrated for your particular bullet you plan on using. I use my laser range finder to get the yardage then adjust the elevation turret to the yardage number and hold for the wind if necessary and then shoot.

Here is the very first 400 yd. target I shot with my custom turret. :):):):)


PS: My advice is to shoot a drop chart to show the turret maker from your zero out to at least 400 yds. This is what I did which showed the ark my bullet took as it goes down range. My ark started with my 200 yd. which is my zero then the bullet dropped 8" at 300 yds. and 21.5" at 400 yds. Computer programs are close, but every rifle shoot a little different. The programs I checked indicated that my bullet should drop 7 inches at 300 yds., but it actually dropped 8 inches which can make a big difference at extreme long range.

I called Vortex and they entered my ark measurements the bullet traveled and adjusted the computer program used to calibrate the Vortex custom turret. As you can see they really know what they are doing at Vortex. OOPS I forgot to mention you need to give the manufactures name, type of bullet and its weight. This will help with calibration of the turret.


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    400 yd target.jpg
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