PSA: Check Your Virgin Brass

Never seen anything like it. Thx for the pics & the reminder that following a standard process every time is good (visually checking powder level), even when you don't think you need to. Weird stuff can happen. Glad you caught it!

Agreed, and I'll add that I always check the inside of the brass as well. Why? You just never know.
Was going to try some Peterson, if I do I'll remember to double check it. Thanks for the reminder.
I don't load Nosler brass. I'm ok. 😄 AHHHH, this is like the cobra in the porta potty story in Thailand! I'll always think of those snakes in the brass too!

At my club in PA there is a sign on the door of the porta-potty, "Beware of Rattlers" and it isn't a joke. They seem to have an unusual number of rattlers in the immediate area. They have been located in several places at the club.
I have seen that more than once, have also seen polishing media wax clumps inside cases.
I always check my brass, inside of bolts on new rifles and bores prior to doing anything else.
Seen too many missed things in the past and don't want any nasty surprises.
The worst for me was a barrel full of grease, couldn't even see out of it. I actually think it was rust inhibitor, but I could NOT push it out with a cleaning rod, had to use a solid brass round bar and the lathe to hold the barrel.

Thanks for the post. There are many ways anything can get in a brass case. I pick up once fired brass at the rifle range. It is amazing what I find in the cases even when a see the shooter who left the brass. I check before I load the cleaner and after I load the powder.
Makes you wonder what factory ammo folks do to avoid this. I mean when you are cranking out rounds by the millions, checking every case could be a little time consuming.
I'm trying to figure out where shavings like those could come from in the case manufacture process, machining the head and extractor groove? Better check my Peterson 270 win brass I got this fall...🙂
Loading from a virgin box of Peterson 7mm-08, went to pour the charge into these two cases and said "what the heck?"
Left one has ripple donuts in the neck.
I write my charge on the brass before loading.
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