Proud Dad!!

My Boy Hammered this big Blacktail buck this weekend with his new custom rifle. Shot was 385 yards shooting a custom trued Rem 700 280 AI put together by Karl Feldcamp at Kamfeld Customs. We loaded up 143 Hammer Hunters with RL 23 at 3133 fps for the kid and the performance of the bullet was perfect. The buck was hit right behind the shoulder he did the classic mule kick ran about 10 yards and feel over. I couldn't be more proud of my Boy as we watched this buck for three weekends without a shot opportunity. When the moment of truth came this weekend we watched him for about 10 minutes before he gave us a clear shot, I saw the swirl of the bullet and heard the impact and we watched him fall over. I was shaking like a leaf and my Boy was cool calm and collected. All our shooting practice has paid off with perfect bullet placement. I'm a very proud Dad and this kid has earned this big buck!! Cheers and Happy Hunting to all, JasonView attachment 301735
My Boy Hammered this big Blacktail buck this weekend with his new custom rifle. Shot was 385 yards shooting a custom trued Rem 700 280 AI put together by Karl Feldcamp at Kamfeld Customs. We loaded up 143 Hammer Hunters with RL 23 at 3133 fps for the kid and the performance of the bullet was perfect. The buck was hit right behind the shoulder he did the classic mule kick ran about 10 yards and feel over. I couldn't be more proud of my Boy as we watched this buck for three weekends without a shot opportunity. When the moment of truth came this weekend we watched him for about 10 minutes before he gave us a clear shot, I saw the swirl of the bullet and heard the impact and we watched him fall over. I was shaking like a leaf and my Boy was cool calm and collected. All our shooting practice has paid off with perfect bullet placement. I'm a very proud Dad and this kid has earned this big buck!! Cheers and Happy Hunting to all, JasonView attachment 301735

SAWEEEET! Congratulations to both of you. A mighty fine shot. Karl knows how to screw a rifle together.
As you all know I am a stickler for accurate rifles and precision shooting. It looks like everything came together for you, great rifle and practice makes perfect. You should be proud of such a beautiful animal as well as being able to remain calm and hit your target. You not only did well, you did FANTASTIC. Be proud of both the deer and yourself and look forward to many more adventures like this.
Congratulations to you and your son , you have every reason to be proud!! Great buck
Nice, he is lucky to have you provide these opportunities.

Someone mentioned a sign on a gunstore. A quote that comes to mind is "Kids that Hunt and Fish , Don't deal and steal.
Thanks to all for the positive praise, I had my Boy read this post and comments and he simply looked at me and said "thanks Pa, I love you." That for me is priceless!! Also worth the pack out. We rough taped the buck at the Taxidermist yesterday and he has 39 inches of mass and rough scored around 147 inches. That is well over the minimum for Bonne & Crockett. We agreed that score means nothing to us as I have never bothered with score. We did however agree that he will have to split a lot of firewood after school to off set the Taxidermy bill. Cheers, Jason
I'm always envious when a Dad gets to spend time with his kid in the woods. Mine gave up in high school, and have thus missed out on trips with me around the US, Europe, Canada, and South Africa. If I had a choice I'd would have missed many a trip just to share one. Cherish the days!

Not a negative comment, but one of the disadvantages of long range hunting/shooting is the lack of opportunity to learn and improved one's skills to move quietly in the woods, to get in bow/pistol range. If you are able to do that you have have developed some real skill as a hunter.
I'm always envious when a Dad gets to spend time with his kid in the woods. Mine gave up in high school, and have thus missed out on trips with me around the US, Europe, Canada, and South Africa. If I had a choice I'd would have missed many a trip just to share one. Cherish the days!

Not a negative comment, but one of the disadvantages of long range hunting/shooting is the lack of opportunity to learn and improved one's skills to move quietly in the woods, to get in bow/pistol range. If you are able to do that you have have developed some real skill as a hunter.
I understand your envy, my Dad passed when I was young. I had to learn a lot on my own and hunted almost exclusively solo for 30 years. I am so very lucky to have my Boy as my hunting partner! He has taken many Turkeys, 4 Blacktail bucks, many varmmits and loves to catch fish. He also took his very first Buck this year with his Bow at 26 yards!! We are an Archery family and love the challenge and pursuit of all things close and personal. He has also almost mastered the throwing knife, wrist rocket, throwing axe and .22 rimfire
All things that challenge us in accuracy. We are very blessed! I will see if I can find a pic of his Archery buck. cheers, Jason
Thanks to all for the positive praise, I had my Boy read this post and comments and he simply looked at me and said "thanks Pa, I love you." That for me is priceless!! Also worth the pack out. We rough taped the buck at the Taxidermist yesterday and he has 39 inches of mass and rough scored around 147 inches. That is well over the minimum for Bonne & Crockett. We agreed that score means nothing to us as I have never bothered with score. We did however agree that he will have to split a lot of firewood after school to off set the Taxidermy bill. Cheers, Jason
LOL. He should be proud of that buck and the skill it took to bring it home and provide meat for the family. You should be proud for taking the time to train him to be able to make a shot like that. Never really took notice of any that I have shot to even mention Boone and Crockett or Pope and Young. I am a meat hunter. So what does that mean? Well while I look for a nice rack it is not all that imperative that I get a 200 pointer. When allowed a big Doe works for me too. Yes, I do put out trail cams and follow the local Gentlemen so I know where they might show up, sometimes right, sometimes wrong but I love being out in the woods hunting anyway although could do without the squirrels, you know what I mean. It doesn't matter if the weather is nice, or not so nice. rain, snow or wind blowing like crazy Just being out in the woods works for me.
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