Proud Dad!!

I'm no blacktail expert at all , as a matter of fact I've never seen one alive . But that looks to be a very large specimen, antler wise isn't it?? I thought they had smaller antlers for some reason .

Either way that's a very nice looking buck and an even happier young man for sure . I saw a sign in an old gun store when I was a young man that stated " kids in the woods hunting won't be kids you're hunting on the streets" . I believe that's a fairly accurate statement
My Boy Hammered this big Blacktail buck this weekend with his new custom rifle. Shot was 385 yards shooting a custom trued Rem 700 280 AI put together by Karl Feldcamp at Kamfeld Customs. We loaded up 143 Hammer Hunters with RL 23 at 3133 fps for the kid and the performance of the bullet was perfect. The buck was hit right behind the shoulder he did the classic mule kick ran about 10 yards and feel over. I couldn't be more proud of my Boy as we watched this buck for three weekends without a shot opportunity. When the moment of truth came this weekend we watched him for about 10 minutes before he gave us a clear shot, I saw the swirl of the bullet and heard the impact and we watched him fall over. I was shaking like a leaf and my Boy was cool calm and collected. All our shooting practice has paid off with perfect bullet placement. I'm a very proud Dad and this kid has earned this big buck!! Cheers and Happy Hunting to all, JasonView attachment 301735
Way to go Dad and big congrats to your son. I hope to have that moment in my life someday.
Great Job, Memories made that will not be forgotten in very long time. Congrats to your son, Congrats to you also!!
congrats on a good buck and great memories. Wonderful to see our way of life passed down a generation. I was fortunate to have a father like you and was able to pass it to my son. I'm confident when the time comes, your son will follow his father's footsteps. Thanks for sharing!
My Boy Hammered this big Blacktail buck this weekend with his new custom rifle. Shot was 385 yards shooting a custom trued Rem 700 280 AI put together by Karl Feldcamp at Kamfeld Customs. We loaded up 143 Hammer Hunters with RL 23 at 3133 fps for the kid and the performance of the bullet was perfect. The buck was hit right behind the shoulder he did the classic mule kick ran about 10 yards and feel over. I couldn't be more proud of my Boy as we watched this buck for three weekends without a shot opportunity. When the moment of truth came this weekend we watched him for about 10 minutes before he gave us a clear shot, I saw the swirl of the bullet and heard the impact and we watched him fall over. I was shaking like a leaf and my Boy was cool calm and collected. All our shooting practice has paid off with perfect bullet placement. I'm a very proud Dad and this kid has earned this big buck!! Cheers and Happy Hunting to all,
congrats on a good buck and great memories. Wonderful to see our way of life passed down a generation. I was fortunate to have a father like you and was able to pass it to my son. I'm confident when the time comes, your son will follow his father's footsteps. Thanks for sharing!
Also a great rifle, great cartridge, and excellent load. I shoot 143 HH and RL 23 in my .280 AI also. Thanks again!
I'm no blacktail expert at all , as a matter of fact I've never seen one alive . But that looks to be a very large specimen, antler wise isn't it?? I thought they had smaller antlers for some reason .
I felt the same way - that looks like a great buck! Congrats to you both! That's what its all about....
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