Mike Matteson
Well-Known Member
I have loaded for years 3-308 Norma Mags rifles. I have Norma brass and still due. I found their case weight to very greatly, heavy to boot, I have set them aside. You can get 300 Win Mag case and resize the to 308 Nor. Mag easy fire form then and, then length maybe a little long to check your case length before loading and after fire forming the case. If you can't get 300 Win Mag cases, you can use 264 WMag, 7mm Rem Mag, and 338 Win Mag case to resize to 308 norma mag cases. I would anneal the case before sizing them to start with. You pay through the nose for 308 Norma Mag case or factor loaded ammo. You could have purchase a whole reloading set for what you paid for the ammo. The biggest thing is having the 308 N. Mag dies. For years I have use a 300 WMag neck sizing die to neck size the cases. It only sizes about half the neck. From my reading most people have moved on to full length sizing there cases now. I haven't had a problem with the win mag neck sizing die.