I have a new Pulsar XL50 LRF. When sighting it in initially, it seemed fine. Behaved normally.
Last night, while hog hunting, each time I fired the rifle, the screen immediately went black. After I pushed the power button, it came back on as if turning on for the first time, and seemed ok, until I fired the rifle again.
Battery was over 60%
Rifle is a very heavy .308, so recoil not an issue.
I have used other (ATN) thermals on this rifle with no issues.
Is there a fix I need to apply?
Last night, while hog hunting, each time I fired the rifle, the screen immediately went black. After I pushed the power button, it came back on as if turning on for the first time, and seemed ok, until I fired the rifle again.
Battery was over 60%
Rifle is a very heavy .308, so recoil not an issue.
I have used other (ATN) thermals on this rifle with no issues.
Is there a fix I need to apply?