
Known this for 30+ years.
Our range meetings brought this subject up almost every month.
So, we put 20 pistol primers and 20 rifle primers in a jar, poured in WD40 to cover them and let them sit for 2 months. Dried them off and let sit upside down on absorbent paper shop cloth for 2 additional weeks.
Loaded them in cases, no powder or bullet, all primers fired without issue.
I have never had a primer fail to fire, even those that I have taken out and re-used.

Back in the early 80's a friends was dredging the potomac river and dug up 50 bmg and 20mm from WW2 that had been dumped in the river. He brought some in and I took them home and opened them. Powder was fine and burned perfectly. No doubt the primers were fine too after 40+ yrs in the river