Primer cratering on all loads

Thanks for all of the replies.
I ordered some BR4 & 450 primers to try. WSR was all I had when I loaded test rounds.
I felt the handloads were safe at 24.8gr Varget as Sierra lists 26.4max and Hodgdon 26.0max. Worked up without any excessive pressure signs other than cratering shown and discussed. Primer piercing (blanking?) only happened on several of the handloads. First 400 rds fired through rifle were the Fiocchi factory loads pictured with minor cratering, so cratering didn't bother me too much until I had handload fail. Chamber was always dry.
I will load with BR4 and work up to 24.8gr again just to see, although I was already up to 25.5 without additional signs.
I was already to send to Tannel until I saw the longer turnaround time listed. Will probably send at later date when playing with next build.
I'd give Greg a call and see what the "turn around time" is currently, he might be able to get right on it. I did a count, He has built seven Remington 700 rifles in various calibers, all bushed and fitted with his firing pin assembly, zero cratering..... He has also bushed some bolts of custom actions he has built for me. Cheers! Gary
Thanks for all of the replies.
I ordered some BR4 & 450 primers to try. WSR was all I had when I loaded test rounds.
I felt the handloads were safe at 24.8gr Varget as Sierra lists 26.4max and Hodgdon 26.0max. Worked up without any excessive pressure signs other than cratering shown and discussed. Primer piercing (blanking?) only happened on several of the handloads. First 400 rds fired through rifle were the Fiocchi factory loads pictured with minor cratering, so cratering didn't bother me too much until I had handload fail. Chamber was always dry.
I will load with BR4 and work up to 24.8gr again just to see, although I was already up to 25.5 without additional signs.
I was already to send to Tannel until I saw the longer turnaround time listed. Will probably send at later date when playing with next build.

I got my BR4 primers and loaded up 10 rds with Varget. Sierra 69SMK. Books show 26.0 as max load. I was working with 24.8 before. Two each from 23.0 to 25.0 in .5 increments. Still cratered from low load up to the load I had worked up to before. Looks like bushing the firing pin time. Pic shows 23.0 to the left, 25.0 to the right.
That's interesting and I first I've heard this. I only have this problem on a rem 700 action I bought in the last couple years directly from factory. It's definitely true that you should never pierce a primer with a hot load. Here are some pictures of a few hot rounds with my gun. The primer crator just grows...
View attachment 134164
View attachment 134165
Hey, I have a factory Remington 300rum that does the exact same thing, it doesn't have to be screaming hot load either. The factory headspace is only a couple ( .001 to .002") of thousandths from virgin Norma brass.
I'd love to get the firing pin hole bushed !
I got my BR4 primers and loaded up 10 rds with Varget. Sierra 69SMK. Books show 26.0 as max load. I was working with 24.8 before. Two each from 23.0 to 25.0 in .5 increments. Still cratered from low load up to the load I had worked up to before. Looks like bushing the firing pin time. Pic shows 23.0 to the left, 25.0 to the right.

Had the firing pin hole bushed and firing pin turned. Here is result. These were fired with the exact same load as pic above. worked great!
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