Price Gougers


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2012
West Terre Haute Indiana
This has been a hot topic as of late and I have found myself engaged in a few of the threads, Len has put out a warning and I for one do not want to be banned for trying to protect our close knit community even though it seems like the right thing to do, I don't have the answer to this other than I suggest that when we see someone who is here obviously to do nothing but make a profit we just simply watch and ignore, Their actions will stick with them forever as we are for the most part family, I have given friendly advice that seems to fall on deaf ears but I will not extend that gesture again, Stay Vigilant and Stay Silent and they will weed themselves out


ButterBean Inc is an LLC and has no affiliation with gerrybaker1960 or any of his affiliates,ButterBean Inc is an equal opprotunity offender
This has been a hot topic as of late and I have found myself engaged in a few of the threads, Len has put out a warning and I for one do not want to be banned for trying to protect our close knit community even though it seems like the right thing to do, I don't have the answer to this other than I suggest that when we see someone who is here obviously to do nothing but make a profit we just simply watch and ignore, Their actions will stick with them forever as we are for the most part family, I have given friendly advice that seems to fall on deaf ears but I will not extend that gesture again, Stay Vigilant and Stay Silent and they will weed themselves out


ButterBean Inc is an LLC and has no affiliation with gerrybaker1960 or any of his affiliates,ButterBean Inc is an equal opprotunity offender
Meh ... average!
We have a serious problem with ammo availability. Gougers are either a large part of the problem, or at the very least they exasperate the problem. They buy every box of available ammo and sell it on sites like gunbroker for triple or more the cost. Even the legality of such a move is questionable, but it is morally reprehensible. I will not hesitate to brow beat them for it. I don't want to be thrown off this forum, since I enjoy it here, but if that is the end result for not standing by while predators attempt to take advantage of people, then so be it.
I was asked to leave a gun show about seven years ago for accusing a guy of price gouging. He was selling .22 rimfires at $120 for a box of 222 rounds. I did not know he was the president of the organization that put on the gun show. I did not leave until I saw all there was to see. I have not been to another show since that time. I doubt they miss me, but they won't get my support.
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I was asked to leave a gun show about seven years ago for accusing a guy of price gouging. He was selling .22 rimfires at $120 for a box of 222 rounds. I did not know he was the president of the organization the put on the gun show. I did not leave until I saw all there was to see. I have not been to another show since that time. I doubt they miss me, but they won't get my support.
Your the Man
I just looked on a popular auction site. I was looking at 6.5 PRC loaded ammo for an example. There are many auctions in progress with prices going past 3X suggested retail. A very large percentage of these are penny auctions, which is to say the ridiculous prices are consumer self-inflicted. In time there will be a surplus of components and they will go on sale...and on sale. Note what you wish you had now, and do not become complacent as shelves replenish, and buy it then. This too, shall pass.
I just looked on a popular auction site. I was looking at 6.5 PRC loaded ammo for an example. There are many auctions in progress with prices going past 3X suggested retail. A very large percentage of these are penny auctions, which is to say the ridiculous prices are consumer self-inflicted. In time there will be a surplus of components and they will go on sale...and on sale. Note what you wish you had now, and do not become complacent as shelves replenish, and buy it then. This too, shall pass.
Yep... The best thing that happened to me was the Obama shortage because it opened my eyes to what the possibility was. Last year when America made a run on toilet paper the writing was on the wall.
I agree with everything that is said. My dilemma is, I found some elusive H1000 at a broker with a 2lb limit. So I bought my two pounds, had my son-in-law and my brother buy me their 2lb limit. Not being a very smart guy, I paid shipping AND Hazmat on every two pounds. I'm into them for $61 per pound. A guy on a local hunting forum needed a pound and I told him I would sell him a pound for $60 bucks AND boy did "I" get hammered on that forum. So I only trade now👍🏻

(And I thought I could spare a pound for him)
I'm a little torn on the whole gouge issue.. I recently sold 3 bricks of 450's for $275 a piece. All to the same individual. Who had at least 30,000 primers already "stored" in his gun safe, rarely reloads, and would definitely buy more tomorrow for the same price. Also, he isnt going to sell ANY of them, he wants to have the ability reload even if there are no more primers. Money isn't a big object for this guy. SO, is this gouging? I also sold a brick to my brother in law (who repeatedly ignored my warnings for a whole 9 months to stock up) for $30. He needed them.

Other thoughts: at some point, the supply IS low, or not there, and to people they actually ARE worth the inflated price. Is it still gouging? I mean, I haven't seen any M1 Garands for $300 lately... are the people that sell them in excess of $1000 gouging?

Just some thoughts... it DOES rub me the wrong way when people buy EVERYTHING up, JUST to resell it at a higher price. The primers I sold were from my personal stash. I certainly didn't buy them with the intention to "flip" for a profit.

Another example: a guy loses his job and needs money for bills, repairs, food on the table, etc. Sells his primers for the going, inflated rate for some quick, needed cash. Is he gouging? Is gouging based off of intent, or is it a reflection of the price alone?

Anyway, flame away if you like. I am just not sure I entirely agree with everything priced high as "gouging", although I can't deny there is a LOT of that going on. It seems a lititle hard to define but one of those "know it when you see it" things.

PS: I also do appreciate this forum, and appreciate that it doesn't have the same vibe as another, also very popular gun forum I'm on, on occasion. The "bro" attitude is just too much for me there. Also appreciate that it doesn't have the GunJoker vibe. I'm on a classified website for my state, and the insane prices people are asking for a lot of stuff IS definitely off putting. And I have never listed items HERE at an inflated rate. So, even though I've sold primers at a greatly inflated price tag, I DO appreciate the OP' sentiment.
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