I'm a little torn on the whole gouge issue.. I recently sold 3 bricks of 450's for $275 a piece. All to the same individual. Who had at least 30,000 primers already "stored" in his gun safe, rarely reloads, and would definitely buy more tomorrow for the same price. Also, he isnt going to sell ANY of them, he wants to have the ability reload even if there are no more primers. Money isn't a big object for this guy. SO, is this gouging? I also sold a brick to my brother in law (who repeatedly ignored my warnings for a whole 9 months to stock up) for $30. He needed them.
Other thoughts: at some point, the supply IS low, or not there, and to people they actually ARE worth the inflated price. Is it still gouging? I mean, I haven't seen any M1 Garands for $300 lately... are the people that sell them in excess of $1000 gouging?
Just some thoughts... it DOES rub me the wrong way when people buy EVERYTHING up, JUST to resell it at a higher price. The primers I sold were from my personal stash. I certainly didn't buy them with the intention to "flip" for a profit.
Another example: a guy loses his job and needs money for bills, repairs, food on the table, etc. Sells his primers for the going, inflated rate for some quick, needed cash. Is he gouging? Is gouging based off of intent, or is it a reflection of the price alone?
Anyway, flame away if you like. I am just not sure I entirely agree with everything priced high as "gouging", although I can't deny there is a LOT of that going on. It seems a lititle hard to define but one of those "know it when you see it" things.
PS: I also do appreciate this forum, and appreciate that it doesn't have the same vibe as another, also very popular gun forum I'm on, on occasion. The "bro" attitude is just too much for me there. Also appreciate that it doesn't have the GunJoker vibe. I'm on a classified website for my state, and the insane prices people are asking for a lot of stuff IS definitely off putting. And I have never listed items HERE at an inflated rate. So, even though I've sold primers at a greatly inflated price tag, I DO appreciate the OP' sentiment.