Sorry guys for the late reply. I had to move back in with mom and dad to help care for him. Dad got to come home on the 26th of March 2012 and I have been there ever since. Since mother and dad do not have access to internet you can understand why I have been away for some time.
The first month was tough for dad. He had to learn how to walk and basically do a lot of things we take for granted everyday like brushing ones teeth, bathing, dressing ones self, going to the bathroom, etc. Anyway dad is doing much better now. He is getting around better and is beginning to prepare meals for himself and yesterday was the first time that he got into the bath tub and bathed himself (with supervision of course) but it was a huge improvement for him. He is far from out of the woods but he is making progress. Right now dads biggest obstacle is gaining weight and building up his strength. If he can not get his weight up or his strength he will not be able to take the chemo treatment for his cancer. We have him on a pill that increases is appetite, it work just like marijuana in the fact that it gives you an intense hunger. The pill, since it is basically a legal form of synthetic HTC / marijuana, it does work. Dad is eating just about everything in sight. We go back to the oncologist in a couple of weeks to see what gains he has made. Fingers crossed!
Anyway, guys I think you so much for all your thoughts, prayers, uplifting post, and simply just pure kindness.
I don't believe one could find a better group of people anywhere.
Brian Spillman