But you are still expanding, just in a different step. I agree that using a mandrel die is better than draging the expander back thru the neck when sizing.
All I am trying to say is that to a new reloader who reads this, they might think that they should pull the expander out of their FL die & after sizing go straight to seating. Not a good idea in my opinion. Unless you are using a bushing die with proper bushing.
Looks like we're on the same road, just looking at the view from a different vantage point. As I see it, using the proper bushing die along with a properly sized mandrel provides optimum control over neck expansion so avoid overworking the brass.
I believe what you and I would want the newly initiated reloader to know is that the typical off the shelf resizing die compresses the neck too much and then, in the next motion, the expander ball expands it too much which overworks the brass. Properly sized bushing dies and mandrels reduce that overworking problem.
Just wanted to be careful not to inadvertently mislead the new comer.
Thanks .......
Using Sinclair's expander mandrel setup I believe I'm getting a more consistent neck tension based on feel through the press. Not very scientific, but very noticeable when loading.
Case lube...One Shot and Dillion's lube only seem to work fairly well on smaller cases like 223's. 30-06 always seem to need something better like die wax. I've found Frog Lube to work great.