Posole dinner ...


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2008
Great Falls, MT
Posole 1 of 2.jpg
Posole 2 of 2.jpg
Wow! Pasole is our goto new years day good luck meal...Southerners have black eyed peas, we have red chile pasol.
I may have to pick up a pork roast and cook down a ristra... and make some tortillas!
See what you started, I hope you're happy.
That looks great and I'll have to add it on the menu. But after my attempt at albondigas!
Posole rocks! As a young cook, the first time cooking nix tamal from dry was an education in patience!
In 1980, as a tourist, I happened upon a Pow wow at a New Mexico Indian Reservation. The family, who's home we were standing near while watching the dancing, invited us in for lunch. A bit taken back we finally accepted, and the meal was posole. Have cooked it ever since.

We make up a mess of it then freeze two portion servings for those nights we are too lazy to cook. When I am really lazy, I have used boneless pork ribs which are easily cut up.

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