Poachers Caught

Bravo 4, first thanks for your service.

I hate to hear that about the warden. It seems every state has to have one like that.
I know I do here local to me. He is a flaming arse hole to say the least.
I had a couple of federal guys I hunted with years back, along with a couple of local wardens. They were a huge amount of knowledge. I thought myself a pretty good outdoorsman till I ran around with them for a while. One of them, I swear, you could drop off on the side of a mountain with a broken shard of glass, come back in six months and he would have a cabin built and gained 10 lbs!
There is a big difference between trespassing on your property and breaking into a home. They are held to completely different standards.

It's with regards to an armed person on your property. If you come across an armed person who is illegally on your property and is hostile then I would use whatever Force is necessary. If it's some dude looking for a deer, lost, walking a property line, etc, then no of course you wouldn't kill them. But if some bro is acting stupid and is armed on your property then that is a completely different story.
It's with regards to an armed person on your property. If you come across an armed person who is illegally on your property and is hostile then I would use whatever Force is necessary. If it's some dude looking for a deer, lost, walking a property line, etc, then no of course you wouldn't kill them. But if some bro is acting stupid and is armed on your property then that is a completely different story.

First off a lot of states don't have right to stand your ground laws and only a fool would hang out in the area of a known deranged man with a firearm. Legally your only allowed to meet force with the necessary equal force to stop the threat. Right or wrong Just because your trespassing doesn't mean you give up your civil rights.
There is no amount of appropriate force you could use if a trespasser is just trespassing. The second you touch him you're in violation of the law. All you can really do if he is not threatening bodily harm to you or others is call the police.
That very much depends on the state you are in.

On more than one occasion I have caught poachers, taken their weapons and ID's at gun point, and turned both over to the sheriff for the offenders to "claim".
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Yep the Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact, based on the same principle as drivers license and almost all states are in it. Do I agree with it, not in every case. Why...because I almost got screwed out of hunting for a few years in my home state and had an elk hunt planned the next year.
I was on a 2 week R&R from Iraq and was taking my son deer hunting on a small piece of private land. On the way out I spotted a game warden drive by and turn around when he spotted us in orange. When he got to us he asked for my license and since I didn't have it immediately available he started writing me a ticket. Here's the kicker, in my home state of Arkansas (at the time) if you were currently deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan you didn't have to have a license. I told him that I was deployed (and proved it) and that I had a license anyways, but he said I should have had it ready for him. Add to that this "offense" was in the presence of a minor (my boy) and it would have doubled the points against my license. This could have effected me for several years.
I fought it tooth and nail and still ended up paying a $175 fine.
I've always said there are two kinds of game wardens. You definitely came across the kind I have absolutely zero respect for.
Mach1 knows what he's talking about and everyone saying differently should read closely what he stated. There are few if any states where you can do anything force wise to a trespasser unless they actually are threatening your life. The Castle Doctrine doesn't apply anywhere but in your home sanctuary. If that person enters your home, then blaze away because by doing so that means you are being threatened, but not out somewhere else on your property.
That very much depends on the state you are in.

On more than one occasion I have caught poachers, taken their weapons and ID's at gun point, and turned both over to the sheriff for the offenders to "claim".
That very much depends on the state you are in.

On more than one occasion I have caught poachers, taken their weapons and ID's at gun point, and turned both over to the sheriff for the offenders to "claim".

Then you have dumb poachers. They can just turn and walk away when u have them at gunpoint and you can't do a thing about it. U cannot hold them against their will on the spot if they just want to leave. What are you going to do? Shoot them? I think not. Then you are breaking the law on ur own property. I'm not taking the side of poaching but you need to be aware of what you can and can not do. In the world we live in its way to easy to get sued for doing what you may think is your right because it's on your property.
Mach1 knows what he's talking about and everyone saying differently should read closely what he stated. There are few if any states where you can do anything force wise to a trespasser unless they actually are threatening your life. The Castle Doctrine doesn't apply anywhere but in your home sanctuary. If that person enters your home, then blaze away because by doing so that means you are being threatened, but not out somewhere else on your property.

Sorry that was my point exactly. I wasn't clear. If a guy is trespassing and threatening then yes 100% you have a right to defend yourself. Anything otherwise should just be an adult conversation telling them not to trespass or calling the appropriate authorities. I agree with that point.
Then you have dumb poachers. They can just turn and walk away when u have them at gunpoint and you can't do a thing about it. U cannot hold them against their will on the spot if they just want to leave. What are you going to do? Shoot them? I think not. Then you are breaking the law on ur own property. I'm not taking the side of poaching but you need to be aware of what you can and can not do. In the world we live in its way to easy to get sued for doing what you may think is your right because it's on your property.

Excellent post! Just holding a gun on them if they can prove it when you're not a LE Official of any type can get you sued big time even though they are on your property illegally. You'll end up with a big bill from your lawyer even if you win!
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