They made a run (280AI) in about Oct of last year. I got 500 in about Dec 2021. Gee they didn't build a 6mm/280AI case for me. O dear. I was dam glad to get the 280AI cases.I really don't care what they call it or the alloy content as long as it works well. I hear they are doing a 280ai run. I need another 100 just to be on the safe side.
As far as complaining about why the build which case is their determination, not ours. I have in the pass ask about when they were going to make a run of that case of whatever it maybe. They responded to me and I was thankful for that. I had gotten some smaller lots of cases. I now look at getting 500 at a time in whatever chamber size I am working with.
Like everybody else I want what I want, and the hell with everybody else, but that not the way it works. For me if it's a belted mag case. I resize and fire form then like wise on case that are used in 30/06 and down that fit the basic chamber. I generally size down not up, but I have done it both ways. I have case in a great many different sizes or shapes.
They build what they build. If they don't build what you are looking for then go somewhere else.
Like they say: Wish in one hand and or Pu in the other. See which one gets fuller faster.
I don't have any interest in them either. I am just glad they are around.
What I don't see is anything on Primers. I wonder where and the hell they are at. You see a little but not like is should be. I see some, but the prices are out of line, and not what I want. So I watch, and surf the net everyday.