Pennsylvania doe tags

The Game Commission was getting a bunch of flak in 4A because they were caught shooting a bunch of does, and people had pictures of their trucks loaded down with carcasses which they were just dumping into open pits.

There use to be an open pit by the shooting range at Prince Gallitzen State Park.
I don't think they use it anymore since they put a dumpster in for CWD parts.

More than likely that was roadkill or deer that were dumped on the side of the road.

Two years I heard over 100 shots on the opening day of rifle, the people of 4A have no issues killing deer without the PGCs help.
I remember snowmobiling in Potter co. Come the end of February we found dead deer at all stream crossings. That seem to stop with the doe regulations.
Long severe winters can have disastrous results on all wild life,
especially deer and turkeys.
But icey conditions can be even more harmfull, especially where steep terrain is involved.
I remember several winters years ago where lots of deer died as a result of broken legs from falling on the ice and sliding to the bottom.
But that can happen regardless of the deer numbers.