I saw a couple hundred deer over the course of rifle season. Sure, some could have been duplicates, but when I'm looking at a herd of 30+ in front of me, and then see another gaggle of deer in the next field it's hard to remember individual characteristics of the vast majority. That's where I hunt at least, 2 counties away from where I live. And a few days ago I had about a dozen doe in my woods, plus the 2 buck and various doe that I saw the day before. There's a herd that I often watch in the fall and winter from my windows, and during the rut it's interesting to see the bigger buck follow the doe and start running off the smaller buck. We have a decent one here and I know that he survived another season, because I still see him sometimes at night when I take the trash out with my flashlight. So no, I've never seen a shortage of deer in SE PA. And it's really nice to see bigger and bigger buck. I remember the old days when people would blast spikes and tiny buck, and it was rare to see any worthwhile racks. But the thing about bigger buck is that they are smarter, and that's why many hunters don't see them and think they don't exist. Lots of guys never progress beyond that spike / forkhorn skill level, and unless they just get lucky by being at the right place at the right time when someone jumps a nice buck and pushes it to them, they'll just go home with their unused tag year after year.
Shotguns might be a consideration in some of the high density populated areas, But I certainly don't want to give up my rifle, with the probability of taking shots up to 600 yards where I hunt. And as far as semis, a person is as likely to miss with a semi as they are with a bolt gun. And the semi is no more likely to send some magic bullet that will hit all the houses and kill all the family pets than a HR single shot will. Maybe we should just ban the 6.5 Carcano round if that's the kind of nonsense we're worried about (lol). A conscientious person with a semi is far better than a clown with a lever action, or vice versa.
Sunday hunting I am indifferent to. I can see why some people want it, and I can't find fault with their argument.