PA Long Range Season

I'm his son. Experienced all of those things referred to in your conversation with Ken.
Well hopefully he is still with us, and if so give him a hello for me.
He was the first guy i ever saw with a set of spotters in a bracket.
He was standing on Nanny Run rd near the top glassing as i was driving down the road.
I stopped and talked to him about them and he told me he had built them himself.
Probably around 1969 or 70 as i recall. He was a bit of a loner so we didnt meet up very often.
Somerset county. Got my car own little slice Of paradise. 0-1000 yards hunting and shooting over my own food plots. Plus I just added 1780,2000, and soon 3500 yard targets Our doe management shooting them long range is a lot of fun. Most our shots on deer our 500-700 yards just because that's what I'm comfortable with, but with new addition of gun I might me stretching that out some. 74C80CC2-0C19-43DC-BD98-2E089DAB3472.jpeg91134CB9-EBA0-42C1-9B69-C06B3EF7112B.jpeg57F6683A-03A2-4F3A-8AE7-ADF08E94797F.jpegDE45C3EA-0CC3-4EDE-8673-DCD01F44ED27.jpeg
Lenny, I'm in Cambria County. If your looking for some company, I'd come down!
Stop by anytime. 8144426771. I like to shoot So it doesn't take much to get me to go. There is a hand full of us that shoot. Heck my wife even likes it and asked for her own gun so I got her a 6.6 PRC HMR Bergara.
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