Well-Known Member
Well that has always been the case with many hunters.From what I have been told black bears eat as many fawns as coyotes. And I don't think I need to tell anyone from Pennsylvania what has happened with the bear population in the last 10 or so years especially northern Pa.
Yes if someone puts in the work and knows the terrain they can be successful. The thing is that most have better hunting close to home and don't have the time to drive a couple hours one way to scout.
I would love to get back up there but with only so many vacation days a year I have to play the odds and stay close to home.
I lived in the southeastern corner of the state (Bucks County) for all of my life before moving to Florida.
In the early years it was an all day trip to get from where we lived to Cameron county. Today with the good roads that go around all the small towns its about 4 hours.
But most people we knew thought we were crazy to drive that far to hunt deer when there were lots of deer in the Poconos.
And for that matter Bucks county as well at that time.
And there still is if you can find a place to hunt.
And especially when you like hunting the big ridges long range.