Our Youth 2022 - No Idea on the History of the United States.

Coyote Shadow Tracker

Well-Known Member
LRH Sponsor
Dec 9, 2020
Social Circle, GA
I just saw a SURVEY that was taken with Collage students at Spring Break 2022 this weekend.

They could not answer:
What is Memorial Day and why do we celebrate it?

What was the Revolutionary WAR and who fought in it?
What was the Civil War, why was it fought and who fought in it?
What was WWII and who and why was it fought?
What was Viet Nam?
No Friggen idea on Iraq or Afghanistan or where they are located.
Parents take notice when you are sending your children to school.
I just saw a SURVEY that was taken with Collage students at Spring Break 2022 this weekend.

They could not answer:
What is Memorial Day and why do we celebrate it?

What was the Revolutionary WAR and who fought in it?
What was the Civil War, why was it fought and who fought in it?
What was WWII and who and why was it fought?
What was Viet Nam?
No Friggen idea on Iraq or Afghanistan or where they are located.
Parents take notice when you are sending your children to school.
Sad indeed... Also very sad that the kids today are being robbed of our country`s history. Good or Bad our history is what made our country what it is. Taking down statues, forbidding flags, and other historical markers because it may offend someone is erasing our history. Some of which should be a reminder of what not do or become again. How will that ever benefit our youth if they have no idea it ever happened? Just my .02
Sad indeed... Also very sad that the kids today are being robbed of our country`s history. Good or Bad our history is what made our country what it is. Taking down statues, forbidding flags, and other historical markers because it may offend someone is erasing our history. Some of which should be a reminder of what not do or become again. How will that ever benefit our youth if they have no idea it ever happened? Just my .02

Keep your children close and take interest in what they are being taught in school.

I helped my sister put my nephew through private (Catholic) school. He now holds (3) masters and (2) PHDs) . He was a Commander on Nuclear subs, Advisor for the Pacific Fleet Admiral and now working on the highest levels of Missile Defense in our Government. I am so PROUD of him.
It shows that a good FAMILY life and investigated education knowing what you child is being taught can make a big difference.
My parents took the same idea. My other sister has several Master Degrees and PHDs and was a professor at TX AM .

I was the luckiest. I joined the USMC when I turned 17. Teachers in my senior year of school were glad to see me go and passed me to Graduate. The rest of my family ended up with all the brains, but I ended up with all THE GOOD LOOKS!
What our schools are teaching our kids is scary. The other problem is parents leave all the education to the teachers they are absent on this and later complain about how their kids turned out.

So we at home must play the large role in their education and not just leave it to the teachers.

Our son is going to pre-k at a catholic school and my wife and I are glad we made this decision, for many reasons.
What our schools are teaching our kids is scary. The other problem is parents leave all the education to the teachers they are absent on this and later complain about how their kids turned out.

So we at home must play the large role in their education and not just leave it to the teachers.

Our son is going to pre-k at a catholic school and my wife and I are glad we made this decision, for many reasons.
God Bless you guys. You made the right choice!!!!!!!!!!
It sure wasn't fought for the reason most people think it was.
Slavery and States rights . That being said I have a a 3 yr old grandson , if I have any say in his education he will be home schooled or he will go too a private Christian School . At the very least I would search for a small town school with Christian values , if that is even possible these days . As grandparents we can have a big influence on our grand children teaching them things that even our kids have lost along the way . I ansewer every question my grandson ask and go out of my way too show and explain everything too him . I figure this is my last chance too make a difference in a young man's life so let's get it right . Stay healthy and active those
It sure wasn't fought for the reason most people think it was.
youngsters need all of the old school education they can get.
Social media seems to have more influence on our youth than parents and teachers. I've always thought the people your kids hang out with was the most important predictor of their direction in life. Now you cannot even physically observe and investigate these influences without looking at an electronic device. This scares the hello out of me.
Yea, I saw those "students" being interviewed last night on FOX News. It was college kids on the beach. Most humorous question/answer was where was the "Cold War"? Their answers were mostly similar, in the Antarctic, or where it was very cold.
That response to the Cold war is both hilarious and very sad.
This goes back to the mid 1950's. I graduated from one of the top 500 public high schools in the US but my compulsory history class was sort of goofy (frivolous). Major events in our national history were skimmed over to be replaced by political indoctrination. Our Constitution & the Bill of Rights were not examined. Liberal policies were espoused. I cheerfully mentioned the 2nd A in regard to WWII vintage family weaponry and got bad looks. I spent the school year as "that dumb foreign kid" in the back row. Got a "C" grade.
they're not being educated, they're being indoctrinated to be protesters and social activists. other countries are teaching science and math and we're teaching how to correctly gender our peers.

look at what chit-cago is starting. this will surely produce a bunch of minorities that are ready to enter the workforce and contribute to society. democrats arent even hiding the fact that they want to keep them uneducated, poor and dependent on the government.
