OR Coast Success

Thats what my dreams are full of!! those are the kind of shots that made me want to start long range hunting. Not the fact of shooting long range, but the fact that there was probably no other way to get that bull!
It's nice having a leg up on the other hunters!
could you tell me a little more about using your i-phone and shooter app for getting angle and whatever else.

nice elk, good eating size.

i don't know how you hunt those coast mountians, i'am and east of the cascades hunter.
could you tell me a little more about using your i-phone and shooter app for getting angle and whatever else.

In Shooter there's a line for "Look Angle":


Tap the "deg" on that line and it pulls this up:


Then just place the phone on your barrel, scope bell, etc while on target and either hit "hold" which will lock it in, or you can start the timer, place it on there, and it will lock it in after a few seconds automatically. Boom, done.

All of the other environmental factors like density altitude, etc I manually enter from my Kestrel.
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