Opening Day Dilemma: .270 or 6.5 Creedmoor

I have only 3 deer rifles.

BRNO CZ Model 600 .270

Model 7MS .257 Roberts

LAW Professional Model 6.5 Creedmoor

It'll be one on the 3 depending on which blind I'm hunting in.
I think it all depends how sporting you want to be? If this is a fair chase hunt I would suggest the 270 Winchester, the 270 is a very fine rifle has plenty of energy for killing game shoots flat and is accurate! However the 6.5 Creedmoor it's a slam dunk when it comes to hunting it will kill everything from a groundhog to grizzly bear at several thousand yards in. If you take the Creedmoor he won't need the 7STW. at 500 yards the Creedmoor starts to out perform the 7STW because the 6.5 bullet starts to pick up speed after 500 yards. I know that some who read this will find the science hard to understand but remember these are the guys who do not understand how Joe Biden got all those votes to win the election ( it's magic) . I stopped using th 6.5 CM in the field because it was so unfair to those around me. I never miss, I find a deer surrender when they see me walk in to the field with a CM in my hand and I am tired of signing autographs with farmers do you have crop damage ! In all seriousness either is fine, I'll be in the field this year with my 270 Winchester. I doubt I'll be shooting over 300 yards and if I do I will not feel under gunned. Good luck to you and forgive the sarcasm.
I think it all depends how sporting you want to be? If this is a fair chase hunt I would suggest the 270 Winchester, the 270 is a very fine rifle has plenty of energy for killing game shoots flat and is accurate! However the 6.5 Creedmoor it's a slam dunk when it comes to hunting it will kill everything from a groundhog to grizzly bear at several thousand yards in. If you take the Creedmoor he won't need the 7STW. at 500 yards the Creedmoor starts to out perform the 7STW because the 6.5 bullet starts to pick up speed after 500 yards. I know that some who read this will find the science hard to understand but remember these are the guys who do not understand how Joe Biden got all those votes to win the election ( it's magic) . I stopped using th 6.5 CM in the field because it was so unfair to those around me. I never miss, I find a deer surrender when they see me walk in to the field with a CM in my hand and I am tired of signing autographs with farmers do you have crop damage ! In all seriousness either is fine, I'll be in the field this year with my 270 Winchester. I doubt I'll be shooting over 300 yards and if I do I will not feel under gunned. Good luck to you and forgive the sarcasm.

Haha that was great
I have a dilemma and I'm semi OCD. I have two Tikkas. One is a wood stock .270 T3X Forest 22" barrel that shoots Hornady Precision Hunter 145 grain ELD-X MOA at 100 yards. The other is a Tikka T3X synthetic stainless 6.5 Creedmoor with a 24" barrel that shoots MOA Hornady Precision Hunter 143 ELD-X.

Which one would you grab when heading out the door?
.270, all day long.
Don't shoot the ELD-X at deer!

I always plan on shooting ELD-X's through deer. I find that shooting "at" them does not have the same effect as through them. I have limited experience with ELD-X bullets. The one kill was a 270win with the 145 ELD-X ammo at 350 yards on a whitetail. The shot entered the ribs right behind the on shoulder, angled through the lungs and exited the far side after punching through the diaphragm muscle and clipping the edge of the paunch. I would like to have that bullet to see how it held up but it was through and through. That the ELDX bullet exited tells me it has the energy and structural integrity to pass through that much animal and exit.
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