Opening Day Dilemma: .270 or 6.5 Creedmoor

I would take the rifle with the optic I prefer and is most suitable for the hunting conditions, it has far more to do with putting the bullet in the right place.
If one scope is a 3-9 duplex and one is something with turrets or with a better reticle that will make more difference at range.
In saying that the .270 will provide more hydrostatic shock and bang flops due to higher velocity.
Thanks folks I've always been a .270 fan so the .270 will be my pick. It's a great gun, but so is my Tikka 6.5 Creedmoor. I do prefer the stock and barrel length of the 22" barrel Tikka T3X Forest.


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i take 4 guns to the field with me a bipod equipped 6mm remington on a 788 chassis with a 4-16x 50
a 30-06 model 760 with a 4-12x44
a bipod equipped 6.5-06 with a 6x24x56
and a AR platform 450 bushmaster with a 1.5-5x20

the 450 comes to play in close brushy thicket work where a wood gun could get fooked up from a fall or slide

the 6mm is my open stand/ landing gun for up to 400 yds flinging 103 gr eldx and have taken both mule deer and elk with it easily

my 6.5 sees use for the same out to 700 flying 143 eldx
and the 30-06 is the open timber packer do it all ... at any given hunt i may grab any one of the 4 during my day so while i could literally do all of everything i hunt in with any of the wood guns ive began specializing each gun for specific uses to avoid damaging the wood guns stocks as all my wood guns are over 50 yrs old
Don't shoot the ELD-X at deer!
hahaha thats funny you realize my last ELK was a through and through one shoulder to hide on opposing shoulder at 427 yards with a 103 grain eldx from a 6mm reminton and the bullet performed flawlessly with the animal evacuating its entire blood volume spraying 18" in both sides leaving about a 100 yd long 36" wide blood trail as it was at a dead run when shot. white tail arent even half the animal a rosevelt elk is.. bullet placement is more detrimental to bullet performance than the design... an ELDX works perfectly fine as long as you dont bounce them off the ball of the shoulder joint
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