OnX app question

I ran the full US, paid, versions of both OnX and BaseMap for a year. When it was time to renew, I went with BaseMap and dropped OnX. To me, BaseMap is easier to use, better resolution on the maps and more features. I like the wind feature. You can drop a pin for a blind and turn on the wind feature. Later you can tap on the pin and see the wind direction.

I've run onX for several yrs switched to base map this year. So far base map does everything that onX did for me for less money and a couple extra features. I know you can transfer onX waypoints to base map but don't remember how
You know. If you marked up everything that you wanted on your onX NOW while you have the subscription, it will still be there after it expires. They don't take away your pins/markers or anything. Also, you could even try downloading everything you want in the "offline" mode. Then it's saved to your phone inside the app. I don't think they take those away either. It's worth a shot . It's going to expire anyway. If it doesn't work, then buy one state.
My son has run several of these apps and now only runs Base Map. The top reason is the property boarders are more accurate. I would switch from OnX myself but my 3 hunting partners run OnX which makes it easier the way we hunt.
OnX did some strange things to my account when I tried to add Oregon for a month while maintaining my WA home state. It was like they cancelled the WA state and converted me to premium for a month. In the end, I had to call their customer service and get them to straighten out the billing. I had similar issues this year when I switched over to premium so I could look at Real Estate in MT and ID. I've never had a problem with their customer service but I also have never been able to predict how their billing would work as I added and dropped states.
I bought OnX when living in MT. I wanted to be able to know who owned the property I was on. Where I lived it was a checkerboard of private, forest service, and nature conservancy. OnX was closed during COVID and I'm a "show me" kind of guy. I was able to use it at a most basic level, but no where near what I read on here. What are the "layers" people are speaking of? I like the sound of some of the options that may be cheaper and have less complicated features. I've moved to Denver, so I'd like to find something to use once I'm legal to hunt CO.
I bought OnX when living in MT. I wanted to be able to know who owned the property I was on. Where I lived it was a checkerboard of private, forest service, and nature conservancy. OnX was closed during COVID and I'm a "show me" kind of guy. I was able to use it at a most basic level, but no where near what I read on here. What are the "layers" people are speaking of? I like the sound of some of the options that may be cheaper and have less complicated features. I've moved to Denver, so I'd like to find something to use once I'm legal to hunt CO.
The best way to understand the layers is to look over the BaseMaps program. There are 5 or 6 areas of interest to choose from. Within those areas of interest, are the layers that can be added to your maps. Download the trial version and you can see all the layers.
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I'm not certain of the steps for each app, but I believe it is quite common now that each will allow both export and import of data. This allows you to export waypoints, routes, etc (everything but actual maps) and import them into a different app.
I suspect if you contacted customer service from whichever app you were moving to, they could help you port over data from your old app.
Tried reaching out to onX with this question but received a very vague response. I have a premium subscription set to expire in September for my home state but heading up to Wyoming in august for a back packing trip and the app would come in very handy. I see where you can get a 1 month subscription for $15. Has anyone ever used this feature and does it let you choose whatever state you may need. If there is an alternate way that you folks have used this app to get another state without paying the elite price, I'd be interested in how you did it. Thanks in advance

Add the 50 state option on their monthly plan and cancel after the 1st month.
We were hunting antelope last year in NM. OnX showed public land, but the gate was posted private. I know one of our Game & Fish head honchos got fired for shooting a deer on private when it showed public on whichever app he was using.

Do you trust your apps to show you the correct ownership? Would you have hunted the posted land? Any idea how often they update land ownership?
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