One for me, one for the boy.....

and now a sour note... they wont let my boy shoot, not even the practice matches. Must be 18 for this one...

Anyone know of a long range match in NorCal other than Sac ?
and now a sour note... they wont let my boy shoot, not even the practice matches. Must be 18 for this one...

Anyone know of a long range match in NorCal other than Sac ?

Well my boy and I hit up a 100 yd Highpower match local to us on the 4th. His first shots offhand were 10 and X, then filled the rest of the target as his strength went away. The AR is way front heavy, we expected to shoot prone from bipods. So even with the wrong rifle we had fun and he learned a lot. The rest of the field were very friendly and never questioned his scope. Nice crew... just want to shoot. I expect to shoot mine in the next match , lets see If I can still shoot ( the talking is over :D).

Glad to hear it worked out so your Son could shoot in a match. Sounds like you guys had some fun.
I didn't think of an age limit, does that mean you won't be shooting at the next match eithe? Yesterday (and practice Sat) was lots of fun, although it was hot and my sweat kept dripping onto my glasses. I did better this month, although I had a screwup at the beginning, I came on strong after getting it straightened out...
I didn't think of an age limit, does that mean you won't be shooting at the next match eithe? ..

loaders, yea... that pretty much means I have put out $$$$ for a match I wont be able to shoot at. I've got two rifles for prone shooting that I'll have to try to adapt to High Power. We did have fun.... most all shooters are good people and that really helps.
Glad you are happy with your results. Hope to make it out sometime. TM
Super-X, that is awesome that your boy is shooting with you. I cannot wait until I can do that with mine. Best of luck! Let him beat you once just for kicks.
by the way you can shoot the high power match on the second weekend of each month. Tomorrow is across the course (200, 300, 600) and Sunday is 3x600.
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