Ohio house passes restrictive hog hunting bill

This is absolute BS, the kind of grey-fallacy garbage that perpetuates this problem.

Why did you bother to try to eradicate them on your land if they're such a misunderstood valuable resource? 🤣
See? You have proven my point. We are taught that pigs=bad.

Like it or not, they are a valuable resource to landowners and a huge draw for hunters.

So, tell me how this is 100% bad if so many people love pig hunting and so many landowners benefit from their presence?
We are taught that pigs=bad.
You keep going back to being "taught" - I wasn't "taught" anything. I see the damage with my own two eyes, I add up the costs on my 9 fingers and 8 toes, I pay the vet bills and I buy fencing materials and I clean up the damage. I count turkeys, I can tell their population swings with presence of pigs. Pigs eat their eggs, they trample their nests, I can see the damage they cause. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that this non-native invasive species that damages a highly valuable native species is bad for me, my rangeland, and my goal of maintaining a functional and productive environment on my land. I'm not some hippie here, Angus aren't exactly native to the land, and I've planted non-native plant species many times. I don't let chasing perfect get in the way of improvement. I grub mesquite but I mow poverty weed. I mulch cedars but burn mesquite piles. I've tilled and planted cover crops instead of grass, that's something that will drive the native-plant brigade to drink themselves into a stuper. My god, you used a PLOW? Didn't you get taught that no-till is the only way to go! I'm not perfect (even inside my own logic) by any means, I still have economics to work inside of, but I won't turn a blind eye to something I can SEE causing damage just because someone else happens to like it.

So, tell me how this is 100% bad if so many people love pig hunting and so many landowners benefit from their presence?
I don't care what other land owners do, if they want to call putting up with damage by an invasive non-native species a "benefit" because they can make a little money off it they're free to do that. I don't have to jump off the cliff just because all the other Lemmings are doing it. And I don't have to buy into a gray-fallacy by refusing saying that something isn't "bad" when I can quantify it's impact.

They can't force me to live inside their world view, and they can't force me to say "oh it's ok, it's not 100% bad because you like it". I don't have to speak lies to make them feel better. In return I don't expect them to care about what I say. But the line is drawn at the fence, and if their BS spills over into my world I'll say my piece just the same. I'll continue to chase these pigs right back into their world where they can reap all these supposed benefits that they love so much.

But judging by how many people are buying traps, complaining about damage, and trying to get rid of the pigs, seems like there's a lot more of me out there and the ones who think there's a benefit.

Oddly enough, including you. Didn't you spent a lot of time and money fencing to try to eradicate pigs?

Why aren't you being accepting of this cornucopia of pork by letting them be on your land?