Often overlooked muscle/exercise


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2008
Hoback, WY
Calves (Gastrocnemius and Soleus) really take a beating rucking and hiking.
The muscles on the front of the shin, Tibialis Anterior, work really hard going downhill

This is a great way to train them
That fella looks like a beast in the gym. Is that you?
I experience this rucking as do most I know; the front of my lower legs feel like they are on fire after about 1/2-1 mile while rucking. When I feel it burning I will usually jog a bit to calm it down. Then you start getting what we call clown feet, where it starts to feel like you almost cannot feel your feet hitting the ground. After 3-4 miles my legs "calm down" or loosen up and it feels like I can just take off and increase speed considerably.
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