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Reminds me of a few times a work when someone decides it's funny to make fun of an old person. I tell them you might not want to poke fun at that person cause if your lucky enough to live that long...that'll be you one day.

I meant no disrespect to the elderly, in fact I hope to grow up to be elderly one day. Seriously, I doubt there is anything wrong with anyones eyes, I guess different eyes see things differently. By the way, since I have both Chas1 and Buffalobob on this thread I wanted to thank you both for all of the informative and helpful posts and replies you two make. You both add some very respected opinions to many discussions and I always look forward to reading what you have to say.
Eyes can change considerably in 15 mos. From what you described, it might be wise to make a new appointment.

I noticed it approxiamitly 10 years ago and have had multiple exams, all with a clean bill of health.
I meant no disrespect to the elderly, in fact I hope to grow up to be elderly one day. Seriously, I doubt there is anything wrong with anyones eyes, I guess different eyes see things differently. By the way, since I have both Chas1 and Buffalobob on this thread I wanted to thank you both for all of the informative and helpful posts and replies you two make. You both add some very respected opinions to many discussions and I always look forward to reading what you have to say.

I let BB speak for himself but I saw nothing in your posts that resembled any disrespect to the elderly. I thought your comments were spot on and made sense. It's funny just as I posted what I did about folks at work...I thought to myself I hope nobody here thinks it's directed at them...In hind sight I probably should have added that at the end of my post. Thank you for the complement, it's nice to hear. Honestly more often than not it's me going to BB with a question and he's always been helpful. Thanks BB.
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