Nosler rdf BC?

They definitely have my attention.
The price is hard to ignore, and I know Nosler can make a consistent bullet.
I'm waiting on a 338 cal, I would like to see a 275-285 grain with a short bearing surface and a .800+ BC. Or a 300 grain with a .830+ BC.
I seen a pic of the 140 Hybrid and 140 RFD, and the RFD looked like a copied hybrid, that's been trimmed and pointed. It was just one pic, but looks like they just copied the Berger.

Pure speculation.....

It isn't a copy, at least not exactly. There are definitely differences.
Dr. McCoy was the original "Rocket scientist" that did the work on bullets. It's expensive, but worth a read of you want to understand the nature of bullets and flight. Tipping bullets just doesn't add much to BC. But here are a few crap pics.
L-->R 123gr Scenar,. 140gr Hunting VLD,. 140gr RDF



That is a good comparison! You can see where they picked up the b.c. Longer nose (sleeker profile), same on the boat tail. and smaller meplat. I would add that tipping bullets NORMALLY does help quite a bit but when the meplat is that small, its not very much.......Rich
Darkker, you wouldn't happen to have a side by side pic of the 140 hybrid and 140 RDF would you?
Finally got some 140 grain RDF bullets in.
Here's a pic of 140 ELD
130 match hybrid
147 ELD and 140 RDF.
As you can see the 140 is almost as long as the 147.


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It isn't a copy, at least not exactly. There are definitely differences.
Dr. McCoy was the original "Rocket scientist" that did the work on bullets. It's expensive, but worth a read of you want to understand the nature of bullets and flight. Tipping bullets just doesn't add much to BC. But here are a few crap pics.
L-->R 123gr Scenar,. 140gr Hunting VLD,. 140gr RDF

What I am interested in most on all the hollow point high BC bullets is the meplat.

Bergers are not very consistent
Sierra has improved of late
Nosler Custom Comps are so so
Hornady seem to be so so
Lapua are pretty darned good
Barts are dead nuts perfect.

The mono metal bullets machined or stamped are very good. Of course the machined bullets have wicked cool meplats. You could pick your teeth with the CheyTac .375 350 grain.

I shoot a lot of tipped bullets, specifically A-Max. Just got my first batch of ELD.

so with that the question is:

How is the Nosler meplat? Is it trimmed from the factory?

I can do trimming but like it if I don't have to.
What I am interested in most on all the hollow point high BC bullets is the meplat.

Bergers are not very consistent
Sierra has improved of late
Nosler Custom Comps are so so
Hornady seem to be so so
Lapua are pretty darned good
Barts are dead nuts perfect.

The mono metal bullets machined or stamped are very good. Of course the machined bullets have wicked cool meplats. You could pick your teeth with the CheyTac .375 350 grain.

I shoot a lot of tipped bullets, specifically A-Max. Just got my first batch of ELD.

so with that the question is:

How is the Nosler meplat? Is it trimmed from the factory?

I can do trimming but like it if I don't have to.
Fred, I haven't had time to dive into the 500 of them that I ordered. But I can say the meplat is much smaller than the Bergers or Hornadys. At first glance, the tip looks to be smaller than the ELD tip.
As far as trimming, I'm not real sure yet, but I hex coat all my bullets and once they come out of the tumbler, they all appear the same size and shape.
I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet, I have several hundred 147 ELDs and I did a work up with them but haven't got a chance to shoot it yet, I'm thinking I'm might stick with those until they are gone then switch. But not sure though...
I'm noticing that all the popular 6.5 mm bullets are never in stock, so I ordered 500 of the RFDs and 500 match hybrid AR 130s. Now I can ride the storm out. Only if Lapua would step up, and I can get my 6.5 creed back order I would be happy happy happy!!!
I got out and shot some 140 RDF yesterday.
Very easy to tune.
I started at 40.0 grains of IMR 4451 and loaded to 42.5 with the bullet Hex coated.
Every charge was under a inch with some in the .2" and .3s.
I basically set them at SAMMI spec length. Which happen to be .032" off.
So far this bullet is the easiest bullet I have ever tuned. Very low ES and SD was observed with several charge weights.
I'm going to settle with 41.5 grains @2700 fps. This rifle has exactly 25 rounds thru it so I expect it to speed up some, and will probably have to adjust the load as it gets more rounds thru it.
I got out and shot some 140 RDF yesterday.
Very easy to tune.
I started at 40.0 grains of IMR 4451 and loaded to 42.5 with the bullet Hex coated.
Every charge was under a inch with some in the .2" and .3s.
I basically set them at SAMMI spec length. Which happen to be .032" off.
So far this bullet is the easiest bullet I have ever tuned. Very low ES and SD was observed with several charge weights.
I'm going to settle with 41.5 grains @2700 fps. This rifle has exactly 25 rounds thru it so I expect it to speed up some, and will probably have to adjust the load as it gets more rounds thru it.

Have you used Nosler Custom Comp previously?
Have you used Nosler Custom Comp previously?

No, I haven't Fred. I thought about trying the 300 grain CC, but the 285 ELD shoots so well, I just stayed with it.
Nosler said they are discontinuing several of the CC including the 140 grain. That's what I heard anyway. They did say they don't have any plans on discontinuing the 300 grain as of yet.
Finally got some 140 grain RDF bullets in.
Here's a pic of 140 ELD
130 match hybrid
147 ELD and 140 RDF.
As you can see the 140 is almost as long as the 147.

Just ordered some from Cabelas. My 6.5 SAUM has kind of a short throat and I'll be able to seat the RDF out much farther than the 147 gr ELD that I was planning on using. I was looking at a fair amount of the bullet down in the case with the ELD.

Anybody know if the RDF jacket is similar to the Berger? Wondering if it would have similar applications.
Just ordered some from Cabelas. My 6.5 SAUM has kind of a short throat and I'll be able to seat the RDF out much farther than the 147 gr ELD that I was planning on using. I was looking at a fair amount of the bullet down in the case with the ELD.

Anybody know if the RDF jacket is similar to the Berger? Wondering if it would have similar applications.

I think you could have expansion issues with the very small meplat but won't know until we try.......Rich
I think you could have expansion issues with the very small meplat but won't know until we try.......Rich

308Gunner over on the hide gel tested the 140 with decent results. 140 RDF going 2905 from a 6.5 Super LR. No live game testing yet though


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Got me thinking about something throwing them higher velocity might help with expansion. Thinking of 175s and trying them in my 300 Win. Not to mention live tissue is a fair bit different medium than ballistics gel. We shall see :D
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