Nose bleed


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2008
Great Falls, MT
I have a history of nose bleed. A couple of years ago, I could not stop the bleeding and ended in ER. They installed a snake ( that's what the ER doc called it) and the inflated it. It is the only way they can stop it. I had it for two days before an EENT doc removed it and cauterized my right nostril.

This AM, I had another nose bleed. My second this week, and my fourth in a week and a half. So, I got cauterized again this AM, my second this year. Apparently, I have a superficial blood vessel that is extremely pressure sensitive that can be triggered by sneezing, blowing nose, etc.

Known causes of nose bleed - dry environment, blood thinners (I do not take any), caffeine (I drink 6-8 cups of strong/black every AM), CPAP, etc. my precautionary measures, I use nasal spray, and bacitracin to keep my nostrils from drying, we had humidifier installed in our furnace, and CPAP machine also have a heated humidifier.

Anyways, I am sharing, just in case anyone suffers with the same issue, but I hope not.
Several years ago my wife worked as a Pharmacy Tech and was getting ready for work,sneezed and had a bad nose bleed that would not stop.I took her to the ER and they did the caurterazing thing also,twice!Went home and called into work and they said to stay home and try not to sneeze.
Seems it could be dangerous.I never knew that so be careful FEENIX!
We are more fragile than we think.
Several years ago my wife worked as a Pharmacy Tech and was getting ready for work,sneezed and had a bad nose bleed that would not stop.I took her to the ER and they did the caurterazing thing also,twice!Went home and called into work and they said to stay home and try not to sneeze.
Seems it could be dangerous.I never knew that so be careful FEENIX!
We are more fragile than we think.
Same here. I was basically told, it I cannot stop the bleeding in 30 minutes, go to the ET. Thanks!
I feel your pain, I have exposed blood vessels on both nostrils, so I get nose bleeds on both sides. It's worse during the dry heat and allergy season, and then my sinus doesn't help either.

As a kid I was always getting it cauterized, until my doctor said that if I apply Neosporin with a qtip, night and morning for a couple of weeks when the first bleed starts, that I would be good for a while, and it has worked very well. Guess he was tired of taking my parents money every few months for the same thing LOL.

Never gotten one to the point I end up in the ER, but, when I can't stop it, I use vinegar on a cotton ball, push it all the way in for a few minutes, once it stops, apply Neosporin. The vinegar is very uncomfortable, but it works.

I've heard many many times that hydrogen peroxide on a cotton ball works, NOT TRUE! Hydrogen peroxide just makes the blood sort of boil, but doesn't stop the bleed at all, unlike vinegar.

So for a quick remedy, plain vinegar and a cotton ball will work.
I feel your pain, I have exposed blood vessels on both nostrils, so I get nose bleeds on both sides. It's worse during the dry heat and allergy season, and then my sinus doesn't help either.

As a kid I was always getting it cauterized, until my doctor said that if I apply Neosporin with a qtip, night and morning for a couple of weeks when the first bleed starts, that I would be good for a while, and it has worked very well. Guess he was tired of taking my parents money every few months for the same thing LOL.

Never gotten one to the point I end up in the ER, but, when I can't stop it, I use vinegar on a cotton ball, push it all the way in for a few minutes, once it stops, apply Neosporin. The vinegar is very uncomfortable, but it works.

I've heard many many times that hydrogen peroxide on a cotton ball works, NOT TRUE! Hydrogen peroxide just makes the blood sort of boil, but doesn't stop the bleed at all, unlike vinegar.

So for a quick remedy, plain vinegar and a cotton ball will work.
Dang, Brother, one is bad enough. I do cotton ball + Afrin (or equivalent), and followed by cotton ball + bacitracin (or equivalent), apply pressure.
Dang, Brother, one is bad enough. I do cotton ball + Afrin (or equivalent), and followed by cotton ball + bacitracin (or equivalent), apply pressure.

Thanks, good to know, one more option to deal with them.

I just googled bacitracin and it's similar to Neosporin, I'll give it a try, might work better, thanks Brother.
I feel your pain, I have exposed blood vessels on both nostrils, so I get nose bleeds on both sides. It's worse during the dry heat and allergy season, and then my sinus doesn't help either.

As a kid I was always getting it cauterized, until my doctor said that if I apply Neosporin with a qtip, night and morning for a couple of weeks when the first bleed starts, that I would be good for a while, and it has worked very well. Guess he was tired of taking my parents money every few months for the same thing LOL.

Never gotten one to the point I end up in the ER, but, when I can't stop it, I use vinegar on a cotton ball, push it all the way in for a few minutes, once it stops, apply Neosporin. The vinegar is very uncomfortable, but it works.

I've heard many many times that hydrogen peroxide on a cotton ball works, NOT TRUE! Hydrogen peroxide just makes the blood sort of boil, but doesn't stop the bleed at all, unlike vinegar.

So for a quick remedy, plain vinegar and a cotton ball will work.
Vinegar has many uses. And I believe we should try to use it more in our diets. I saw how it affected my Triglycerides on my blood work up. And I believe it helps with weight loss also.
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I don't know if you take supplements but Vitamin C is important for blood vessel strength, Ester C is a good time release brand.
Lysine ointment is used for cold sores and may be moisturizing and anti inflammatory.
I'm sure you know alcohol is a blood thinner.
Wish you the best.
I don't know if you take supplements but Vitamin C is important for blood vessel strength, Ester C is a good time release brand.
Lysine ointment is used for cold sores and may be moisturizing and anti inflammatory.
I'm sure you know alcohol is a blood thinner.
Wish you the best.
L😂L! I am a casual drinker; maybe a drink a week, or so. I know is not that and have discuss it with my primary care doctor and my EENT, but I appreciate your concern. I do take Vitamin C and other supplements as well fruits and vegetables rich in Vitamin C. I will look into the Lysine ointment, though.

Today, my EENT cauterized a larger area than previous ones to help create a larger scab like protection surface area. We shall see how it goes. I also spoke to my Respiratory Therapist about reducing the pressure on my CPAP. She said, only my doc ( my fishing buddy) can make that call 😂. I see him next month. Meantime, she recommended to try a different mask, and try reducing the humidifier temp. Thanks.


I found a nice article from pharmaceutical journal that might help.

- Avoid hot drinks and hot showers because steam inhalation can cause vasodilation and increased blood flow within the nose.

I will lower the CPAP humidifier temp tonight.
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