Rick Richard
Well-Known Member
Done. Survey taken.
In Colorado, hunters are largely against wolf reintroduction. I don't believe the effort to manage our tag allocations to nonresidents is attempting to use wolves as a wedge issue. Any animosity towards nonresidents is mostly due to overcrowding and point creep due to too many people in the hunting game here. It's not personal although it is obviously taken that way by nonresidents. It's really about our own quality hunting experiences having significantly diminished. Sorry, not trying to derail the thread just felt there need to be some clarification.Sorry if I'm a little off topic, but I am from WV where we haven't talked about wolves.... YET. But I have been hunting Colorado the last several years. It's been my experience that locals do not want non residents to come hunt. That is other than the outfitters. I thought maybe wolves were a way to thin us down. No tags = no non residents. I do have a fear that wolves will end hunting in western states especially for us outsiders. Is there a way I can help stop wolf lovers from destroying what I love, even though I am not from these states?
So if we sit by and do nothing than we are assured of nothing, but if we do something than at least there is some hope. I choose to do something rather than lay down and accept defeat. That is the problem with the complacent majority.
You have your opinion and I have mine, however we can only blame ourselves if we take the attitude that we can't do anything about it. To be victorious in a war or change effort it typically takes more than one person, which is why I advocate in doing at least something by all or otherwise live in the current mess...Your choice.Perhaps. Yet I have a different perspective. There is no hope to be had in men. The fact that there is no evidence at all that anything anyone has done in the past 40 years on wolf reintroduction has had any effect on whether they've done it or not.
I'm not complacent at all. When a battle needs to be fought in my life, I go to the ONLY ONE equipped to fight the battle and let Him do it. If there's a work that must be done by me in that plan, then I do it. The victory will not be of my doing, but there will be victory all the same.
All this about fighting against these people. None of us have been able to stop them, and everyone can go comment and vote hard and go after these people as much as you like... the outcome of this will be no different than the past 40 years. They'll put the wolves in there. Just watch and see. They'll prohibit us from shooting them, and destroy our entire lives if we do, and it won't matter what the wolves do or who they hurt in the process.
Go ahead, convince me I'm wrong. Convince me that it hasn't happened like that every time before this. I really want someone to put forth a logical fact-based accounting of victories we've had against apex-predator introductions in my lifetime. I'm anxiously awaiting to be proven wrong about this. As I see it, the problems are only progressively worse, not better.
I don't care about your feelings. I'm talking about reality and what is... not what we'd have it be, but what is happening and has happened. You see, if we don't acknowledge the truth of what is and has been, how can anyone come up with a plan that might actually work in the future? There has been meetings and comment periods EVERY OTHER TIME they introduced these species. Didn't matter then and it doesn't matter now.
There is not one metric of life that has improved in the last 20 years. The moral decay and the destruction of truth advances with increasing frequency and velocity every single day.
Does anyone ever stop to ask why it's going like that? Why the evil people constantly win? If so, what answers have you come up with.
... because I've come up with answers, and they have nothing to do with fighting or caring one little bit about the advancement of evil agendas. Contentment is not going to be had railing against evil illogical people doing their works, and if everything I've seen in my life is a clue, literally nothing will stop them.
The difference is... I'm fine with it.
I wasn't, until recently... but these days, I finally understand what's happening and I do not want to stand in the way of it.
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So then, I guess I should take that response as that what I've seen is indeed true... there are no instances of them saying they were going to release wolves or cats, and then not doing it as a result of public pressure.You have your opinion and I have mine, however we can only blame ourselves if we take the attitude that we can't do anything about it. To be victorious in a war or change effort it typically takes more than one person, which is why I advocate in doing at least something by all or otherwise live in the current mess...Your choice.
Only takes one minute , to have your voice heardMontana FWP held a meeting in their draft wolf management plan this past Wednesday night.
According to this newspaper account, nonsportsman dominated the meeting.
Hunters need to stand up and have their voices heard, and having the wolf huggers drown out our voice is devastating to our future.
There is still time to have your voice heard. At the end of the article, there are links to the FWP Comment page.
Comments will only be taken through December 19th, so make this a priority.
Please keep it respectful, but by all means TELL the FWP of your experience in wolf country.
Also, be sure to mention the economic impact that the loss of hunting brings. Many small communities are already feeling the effects of fewer hunters, and that trend will only get worse unless they get the wolf numbers in check.
We need to stand up to those who want to ban wolf trapping and hunting, or we will be left with no hunting of any kind.
Non-sportsmen dominate Missoula wolf plan meeting
Chris Servheen of the Montana Wildlife Federation warned FWP that there was a potential reason so many non-sportsmen were at the meeting asking why unethical methods were being allowed and why it was legal to “waste” or abandon the carcasses.missoulacurrent.com
So then, I guess I should take that response as that what I've seen is indeed true... there are no instances of them saying they were going to release wolves or cats, and then not doing it as a result of public pressure.
There is no honor in being cannon fodder, no matter how romanticized someone tries to make it. Hard to win a fight when the troops don't even know what fight they should fight or how to do it.
I keep trying to get people to talk with facts, instead people want to create straw man arguments and rip them to pieces, talking about "my opinions." lol
Maybe some people feel good conquering straw men, but I don't. I prefer to know who is really bringing the fight... because it isn't the straw men. For the 5th time, I'm not advocating doing nothing. I'm advocating that we look at what hasn't worked for the last 40 years and then do something else.
When someone answers my question, about why we keep losing and they keep winning, over and over again... I'll know I have a upright critical thinking man in front of me that actually wants to have a discussion on its merits.
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I think you both are actually saying the same thing from different perspectives. Gotta change the approach if you hope to win. Doing nothing because you haven't ever won and leaving it up to providence may contain wisdom but it just isn't the way most of us are wired. First of all, in Colorado the wolf initiative won by something like 50.49% to 49.51%. So in my reading that ain't hopeless. Secondly, we will never reach the completely convinced anti and brainwashed rewilding crowd. We just need to talk to our neighbors and colleagues and their friends etc and help them understand the breadth of the issues. In this particular fight, the ranching community is not our enemy. Connect with the middle not the extremists. And for certain every single one of us needs to vote. The general public supports the right and logic of hunting. And the conservation ethic therein. Thirdly, the way the Colorado wolf initiative went down is the wolf advocates retained the services of attorneys to craft a piece of legislation that could withstand all the arguments and appeals and fights against that would be set upon it. It was a piece of legal brilliance(well maybe a slight exaggeration but it was good work) We are no longer a live and let live society. The speed at which these societal changes are occurring is really shocking. So we are just a bit behind the curve but I don't think that means there is no hope. It may be heresy and hopefully is not a ban worthy thing to include on this forum , but Randy Newburg is as out in front of these issues as anyone I've found. Hunttalk.com has some really good podcasts and resources for us to listen to and think about. Its worth your while to listen and consider if you care about the future of hunting. Thank you and keep up the fight!So then, I guess I should take that response as that what I've seen is indeed true... there are no instances of them saying they were going to release wolves or cats, and then not doing it as a result of public pressure.
There is no honor in being cannon fodder, no matter how romanticized someone tries to make it. Hard to win a fight when the troops don't even know what fight they should fight or how to do it.
I keep trying to get people to talk with facts, instead people want to create straw man arguments and rip them to pieces, talking about "my opinions." lol
Maybe some people feel good conquering straw men, but I don't. I prefer to know who is really bringing the fight... because it isn't the straw men. For the 5th time, I'm not advocating doing nothing. I'm advocating that we look at what hasn't worked for the last 40 years and then do something else.
When someone answers my question, about why we keep losing and they keep winning, over and over again... I'll know I have a upright critical thinking man in front of me that actually wants to have a discussion on its merits.
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There is also no honor in laying down and doing nothing, which seems to be your directive. You say it's not, yet you have not given one constructive alternative.There is no honor in being cannon fodder, no matter how romanticized someone tries to make it.
... and what in the world should I talk to you for... You don't believe what I say anyway. LOLThere is also no honor in laying down and doing nothing, which seems to be your directive. You say it's not, yet you have not given one constructive alternative.
If you have a suggestion, we're all ears. But as far as I'm concerned your input has so far had zero positive influence on this thread.
This is 100% spot on, especially the part about those who love wolves don't know wolves.People who love wolves don't know wolves. Yes, the puppies are cute and hearing the lonely howls at night can make an eventful camping trip but those people have never seen, and would probably refuse to watch, wolves making a kill. Just ask those wolf huggers sometime how wolves kill an animal and see if they have any understanding. Wolves eat an animal to death. They take it down, tear at the soft underbelly, pull the organs out and begin feeding while the animal is still alive. They don't need an animal to die in a hurry. It's not like a cougar or a bear taking down a full sized animal, they want an animal dead before they begin feeding, but not a wolf. And wolves kill for sport. I have found full grown moose that were chased for miles and when they were finally pulled down and ripped apart, hardly a mouthful of red meat was eaten before the wolves moved on. Wolves are a part of wilderness and should be there but like every other animal their population needs to be controlled. There is nothing special about them.
If there is a troll in this thread, it is you. You have not contributed one positive thing in this thread.... and what in the world should I talk to you for... You don't believe what I say anyway. LOL
"you say something, but I'm going to form my entire response on the fact that you don't mean what you say."
Wow, you're good at this internet troll thing. Bravo.
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