Node with Copper Bullets?

You should at least load some with some big jumps and see what happens It might surprise you.
I'm far enough down this rabbit hole I'm going to make this a comprehensive article and publish it on my website, so to answer your question, I'm going to go past whatever the node is and test some major jumps as well. I'll keep you guys posted after every range session for input/thoughts.
I'm far enough down this rabbit hole I'm going to make this a comprehensive article and publish it on my website, so to answer your question, I'm going to go past whatever the node is and test some major jumps as well. I'll keep you guys posted after every range session for input/thoughts.
Please post a link to your Website so we can follow along.

I've been back-and-forth to the range about six times since I've posted here. I've tested everything from up to the lands to .045" jump. In summary I found what I thought to be a node around the .027" and .029" jump. The conundrum is the best recorded SD of 5.0 with a .029" jump has a bad group where as the 27 and 31 thou jump has horrible SDs but tight groups...Now we get into the classic age old discussion of what to trust, the numbers on the magneto speed or the groups on paper. As always real world data always means more and shooting them at longer distances should be the final verdict.

This is all based off my lands measured at 2.890" and shooting 4 round groups until I see a node then shoot 8-10 rounds at that node to confirm:

  • .001" (2.900) into the lands. Max: 3129 Min: 3064 Avg: 3090 SD: 20.5
  • .001" (2.888) off the lands: Max Velocity: 3094, Minimum Velocity: 3058, AVG: 3072, SD: 17.2
  • .002" (2.887) Max: 3100, Min: 3056 AVG: 3081 SD: 14.8
  • .003" (2.886) Max: 3100 Min: 3079 Avg: 3087 SD: 11.3
  • .004" (2.885) Max: 3079 Min: 3056 Avg: 3064 SD: 10.3
  • .005" (2.884) Max: 3064 Min: 3044 Avg: 3055 SD: 8.4
  • .012" (2.877) Max: 3095 Min: 3078 Avg: 3088 SD: 7.6
  • .015" (2,875) Max: 3095 Min: 3063 Avg: 3082 SD: 13.7
  • .018" (2.872) Max: 3077 Min: 3062 Avg: 3068 SD: 6.7
  • .020" (2.869) Max: 3095 Min: 3073 Avg: 3082 SD: 13.4
  • .023" (2.866) Max: 3118 Min: 3056 Avg: 3089 SD: 25.8
  • .026" (2.863) Max: 3067 Min: 3035 Avg: 3050 SD: 13.3
  • .027" (2.862) Max: 3084 Min: 3037 Avg: 3061 SD: 19.2
  • .029" (2.860) Max: 3067 Min: 3055 Avg: 3060 SD: 5.0
  • Retried .029" (2.860) Max: 3077 Min: 3060 Avg: 3068 SD: 7.4 ES 17
  • .031" (2.858) Max: 3074 Min: 3015 Avg: 3050 SD: 27.6 ES 49
  • .034" (2.855) Max: 3074 Min: 3023 Avg: 3051 SD: 21.6
  • .039" (2.850) Max: 3061 Min: 3001 Avg: 3027 SD 29.9
  • .045" (2.844) After two shot the SD was 39 so stopped

Does anyone have experience on what ended up being more accurate at distance when they encountered this common problem? Numbers on a chronograph or groups on paper?


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