I bought a Nikon on eBay. I really liked it, until after my first hunt I noticed the vertical reticle was broken. Still shoots o.k. if you know which reticle to use. I expected Nikon to have the same warranty as Leupold. Sadly dissapointed. You aren't just paying for a warranty, you are paying for a dependable scope. I've never had a Leupold fail, and all of my scopes are banged up eventually. A VX-1 2x7-33 Compact scope is selling on eBay right now for $200. I have had several I used for sheep hunting, and they are great (and lightweight) scopes. They are also compact, which makes them less likely to get banged around as you are pulling the rifle out. I used to have a rifle case that attached to the front of the seat. It kept the rifle perfectly protected. If you don't have a bench seat, you could attach a case to the back of the seat.