Some pleasure reading for those with the time and interest: Ernie may be posting the results of his field comparison of scopes soon. A Nightforce is included.
The Optics Talk Forums - SHOT Show 2009 impressions - Page 1
The topic is "optical clarity". For a cost of ~$800, I believe the Sightron SIII 6-24x50mm will equal the optical clarity in the $1400 and higher-cost comparable model Nightforce glass. This is the clearest example I have to share at this time.
Anybody that's compared these two side-by-side? I'm interested in hearing other's opinions. I'd like to see you (jwp475) locate someone with an SIII, do a side-by-side field comparison, and share your opinion/conclusion. If I owned a Nightforce, I'd do the comparison myself, but I don't, so I can't.
In my readings, the majority have stated that IOR glass is the equal, or better, than Nightforce (optical clarity). My 6-24X50mm SIII is the equal of my 3-18x42mm IOR in "optical clarity", and better in light transmission. (Light transmission comparison is a bit unfair in that the IOR has additional lenses to achieve the 6X power range.)
I expect more Nightforce owner's to join the fray. Ernie may be posting the results of his field comparison of scopes soon. A Nightforce is included.
The Optics Talk Forums - SHOT Show 2009 impressions - Page 1
The topic is "optical clarity". For a cost of ~$800, I believe the Sightron SIII 6-24x50mm will equal the optical clarity in the $1400 and higher-cost comparable model Nightforce glass. This is the clearest example I have to share at this time.
Anybody that's compared these two side-by-side? I'm interested in hearing other's opinions. I'd like to see you (jwp475) locate someone with an SIII, do a side-by-side field comparison, and share your opinion/conclusion. If I owned a Nightforce, I'd do the comparison myself, but I don't, so I can't.
In my readings, the majority have stated that IOR glass is the equal, or better, than Nightforce (optical clarity). My 6-24X50mm SIII is the equal of my 3-18x42mm IOR in "optical clarity", and better in light transmission. (Light transmission comparison is a bit unfair in that the IOR has additional lenses to achieve the 6X power range.)
I expect more Nightforce owner's to join the fray.
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