Newish member from Idaho


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2014
Nampa, ID
I have been checking out this site now for a couple years, and signed up nearly a year ago. The majority of the time when I look for answers to ballistics or long-range shooting questions I end up here. There seems to be a lot of knowledgeable people who offer well thought out advice without a lot of infighting or extremism. Thanks.
I am relatively new to shooting at distances over about 300 yards, but am an avid reloader and hunter, and would like to push things out a bit farther. I got a cheap Remington 700 ADL in 7mm-08, and added an HS Precision stock and a Timney trigger, and mounted a Vortex Crossfire II 4-16x50 in Warne rings and bases. It currently shoots just under 1 MOA with 140 gr. Nosler AB or BT bullets.
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