Well crap....that really smells bad for law abiding citizens of New Zealand. Mass hysteria and high emotions carried the day there, for sure. The parliament should be impeached. Sad that 51 people died, for sure, yet the govt made a lot regular people criminals by the stroke of a pen, and they don't care. It almost happened here, and it still may. Chaos reigns supreme in a straight up Democracy, which we do not have, thank goodness, but aggravating deals still get made behind closed doors. Lindsay Graham is pushing a bill to incentivize states to enact draconian gun confiscation laws on their own cause " it's not going to happen at the federal level " paraphrased. Meaning he is in favor of disarming us. As a so called Conservative. It is becoming downright infuriating. A criminal uses a firearm, so let's make EVERYONE that owns a firearm a criminal. I know some folks, some of them pretty well, that have stated if they are made into criminals by having their firearms outlawed, then they are going to become ACCOMPLISHED criminals.