I agree that in a perfect world things would be easier. I have found that I never seem to find the perfect platform so I am forced to work with my surroundings. The surroundings is what seems to dictate my maximum effective range. Based on that I had to look at what tools I carried to help me get the job done.

Bipod buddy
Quick detach front bipod
stony Point sticks
Trigger stick (used for much more than just shooting)
back pack with shooting pad

I do know some trainers who highly recommend a rigid framed back pack. It makes sense to me and I have used one in a field match. We had a seated supported position and one of the guys suggested I try his pack. It worked very well.

Good luck this season, shoot straight, and above all, have fun.
I bought the small double cross and I'm not having much luck with it. First I use a strap on Buttstock cheek rest to get my eye lined up with scope second I have a wood stock. The straps on the cheek rest cause a real problem as I try to lean the BPB to get the exact height I need so I removed the middle strap which helped a little. However I now have a little wood work to do to fix some marring caused by the BPB. Nothing a little light sanding and Linseed oil won't take care of. Beyond that I was just having trouble keeping a good steady sight picture.

I'll see if my son, who has a synthetic stock and doesn't need the added elevation on his cheek, can use it.
Good info. They don't work well if you have straps etc in the way. I used a neoprene cover with a self built cheek riser taped underneath for a while. It worked great but I switched to installing KMW cheek risers.

One thing you might try is a piece of grip tape or something similar along the bottom edge of the stock.

This is a picture of a KMW install I did just recently. You can do it to any stock but it is very time consuming.


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I have thought about getting an adjustable synthetic stock but it took me many winter days to get a rough finished stock to look half way decent. So as with most things there is some give and take, guess I'll keep using bags for now. The other side is finding a synthetic stock for a 1963 Husqvarna Mauser action proved to be hard.

Hope my son can use the BPB.

Nice looking gun you have. What is it chambered in?



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6.5 Creedmoor. I built it for my brother. That is the 3rd one of those I have done. Working on my 4th right now. Cheek riser that is.

Another option for field shooting is to use the kids water wings. They are super light and work very well for support. I deflate mine and pack it away and it takes no room really. But when in the field I just strap it to the pack. I used to pack a bag around but they are to heavy for long pack in hunts
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