New Stock for Remington 700 BDL

I agree! I agree! I promise.
I owned one of those flimsy, hollow, plastic piece of crap boat paddles once (okay, twice).
I couldn't sleep at night.
I need to get a new stock for my 06. The one that is currently on it is the high gloss standard stock. I found a dark walnut on ebay for $170. It is the stock with the thumbhole. Is this a good idea? What do you all use for stocks on your hunting rifles?
I don't think a shiny stock ever scared anything off, but I don't see the need in one for a hunting rifle.It is kinda like running around in your grandfathers suit.A good synthetic is the way to go . For money the B&C, like the other guys said is a great chioce.In past years ,when I didn't have alot of money, I bought Houge stoks for a couple of rifles and they work great.I wouldn't get hungup on a thumbhole stock.
I agree! I agree! I promise.
I owned one of those flimsy, hollow, plastic piece of crap boat paddles once (okay, twice).
I couldn't sleep at night.
Don't beat yourself up, we've all owned them...My unlce is still using one on his old ADL from 30 years ago...But if you are truly looking for accuracy and performance, a good aftermarket stock will be your best bet.

I just know I've seen alot of guys re-use the cheap plastic factory stocks then wonder why they can't get their nice rifles to shoot groups. Well...Chances are it probably has alot to do with their stock. Just trying to help you out and save you some headache. :)
Looks like I will be going with the B&C Medalist. What color should I get? Not looking for something crazy, just something that looks nice and compliments the great rifle.
It's all a personal preference on that one...

I'm a fan of the gray & black web...But stock color is all personal preference.
Hi Jdk81. Did you buy a stock in he end??
I bought and fitted a "CHOATE - John Plaster ULTIMATE SNIPER" stock to my Rem 700 Varmint SF 26". It fitted perfectly. No machining needed. Just bolted it on. It is a fantastic stock, and well priced.
Just a thought!
Happy hunting!:D
I plan on buying the BC Medalist in the next couple days.

Is there anything that I need to do to the stock once I receive it? Or can I just put it on the gun and be good to go?

I'd stick it on, properly torque it, and go to the range for a test shoot. Do you have an accurate inch-pound torque wrench? If so, I'd torque it to 65 inch-pounds, but working your way up from 35 inch-pounds in 10lb incriments.

If your gun still doens't shoot tighter groups, might be time to bed the recoil lug, which is a very simple process. Then torque it back down to 65 inch-pounds inrimentally.
I have never done that, or even heard of that, before. What does that mean? How do I do it? If you have a good link that would be perfect. Thanks!
[ame=]Configuring a Factory Rifle to Shoot Long Range - Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Configuring a Factory Rifle to Shoot Long Range - Part 2 - YouTube[/ame]
I have no experience with the medalist stocks, as they are massively expensive here, and not many can afford them. From what I have read, just put it in, bolt down and your good to go. For the price, I should hope so!
However, ask the guys who know.
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