new scope ideas

Happy birthday! I think the razor will make a fine gift! If it wasn't for the added weight of my semi heavy barrel... I probably would have kept the razor I bought earlier this year... But as you can see... We do a bit of hill climbing and every extra ounce starts feeling like pounds as the day goes on :D I think you'll be pleased with the quality of your new scope.
Got scope mounted and zeroed shot a decent group at 430, (as far as they have at the local range). So far I am liking the scope getting used to mrad, weight isnt that noticeable yet. set up rifle weighs 14lbs group ended up high and right, figured out that cold bore i was an inch high at 100 so go figure 4" high at 400 and I took the right part out and I am good to go well after I get more bullets I will be.


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