Here is fast formula that never changes.
So let's say we wanted to dope for 23 inches at 489 yards.
23/.36*100/489= 13 clicks
only the first and last number change in this formula
23" of movement @ 489 yards
step 1)Inches you want to move bullet divided by .36
step 2) times by 100
step 3) divide by the yardage you are shooting.
another example 7" at 83 yds
7/.36*100/83 takes 23 clicks on scope
So let's say we wanted to dope for 23 inches at 489 yards.
23/.36*100/489= 13 clicks
only the first and last number change in this formula
23" of movement @ 489 yards
step 1)Inches you want to move bullet divided by .36
step 2) times by 100
step 3) divide by the yardage you are shooting.
another example 7" at 83 yds
7/.36*100/83 takes 23 clicks on scope