New rifle problems

Thats good thinking on the cleaning
Im going to guess 15 shots since cleaning
And it was getting worse by the shot.
thank you
I never thought that few of shots could potentially cause that.
A few shots should not cause that and if a barrel needs to be cleaned every 15 shots to hold accuracy it's garbage. Seriously, we clean once every 300-500 rounds and just with carbon remover and a cotton patch. I suppose if we did not shoot a barrel much and it was going to sit in the safe for several months we would clean and leave a light coat of bore conditioner in it and run a dry patch before shooting it again. The last dozen or so barrels I have broken in I did not clean carbon until 100 rounds then re-fouled with 5-10 rounds and started load development, usually 25 - 40 rounds. Load 250-300 rounds of that load then will "gently" clean carbon after those are shot and check velocity ES/SD and grouping and tweak the load if necessary which it usually is not. All of our barrels ( proof, benchmark, Hawk hill, bartlien…. What ever is in stock with the contour we want) shoot quality factory loads very well and usually group at 100. The only issue we have found with factory loads is they are generally not in a good velocity node and have higher ES than we would prefer. Still can hold a good group to 600 yards in most cases. There is something not right with that barrel. When our barrels a "burned out" they loose accuracy and shoot like the one you are describing and they are done, so we retire them and spin on a new one.
Quick update
we got 7 loaded up and down range
had to kind of rush shooting them because it was getting dark.
grabbed a load out of book , light load of course
all 7 shots in an 3/4 inch at 100 🙂
now we have a place to start improving at.
will shoot more tomorrow
The seating depth on the factory is way away from touch on the lands.
Don't have the measurements in front of me.
They are now seated .020 off touching lands.
Have shot 17 with no flyers
A few shots should not cause that and if a barrel needs to be cleaned every 15 shots to hold accuracy it's garbage. Seriously, we clean once every 300-500 rounds and just with carbon remover and a cotton patch. I suppose if we did not shoot a barrel much and it was going to sit in the safe for several months we would clean and leave a light coat of bore conditioner in it and run a dry patch before shooting it again. The last dozen or so barrels I have broken in I did not clean carbon until 100 rounds then re-fouled with 5-10 rounds and started load development, usually 25 - 40 rounds. Load 250-300 rounds of that load then will "gently" clean carbon after those are shot and check velocity ES/SD and grouping and tweak the load if necessary which it usually is not. All of our barrels ( proof, benchmark, Hawk hill, bartlien…. What ever is in stock with the contour we want) shoot quality factory loads very well and usually group at 100. The only issue we have found with factory loads is they are generally not in a good velocity node and have higher ES than we would prefer. Still can hold a good group to 600 yards in most cases. There is something not right with that barrel. When our barrels a "burned out" they loose accuracy and shoot like the one you are describing and they are done, so we retire them and spin on a new one.

Was this "break in" with a 6.5x47 or was it multiple cartridges? Bigger cases?
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