New Mexico 2019 - What did you draw?

I was finally able to pick up a mule deer tag in Northern NM and my first elk tag after years of trying to draw either of these in NM. Elk hunt is a late archery hunt and will be a tough hunt but at least I'll have the opportunity to hunt.
At age 77, this is the first year my brother-in-law and I have failed to be drawn for any hunt! We applied for rifle hunts for deer, elk, oryx, barbary sheep and antelope.
I'm in Texas. I didn't draw anything. Kind of frustrating that some didn't draw at all and others drew three or four tags, but that's how the system works. Good luck to all who drew.
Congrats to all that drew! I'm still on cloud 9 myself... I drew the Valles Caldera 1st archery.
If anyone has hunted here or did a tagalong... I'd love to here some input... like depending on where they put me, do I hunt wallows, water, etc??? Any and ALL is so appreciated
Aodad or Barbary area 32-33. 36-37, rifle in December. Have not seen the area, but have been told it's a real zoo on opening weekend. I wish to correspond with serious, experienced hunters who have hunted successfully here. I have been told to expect to be walking 5 -12 miles per day, and that these are extremely shy animals.

Tough hunt. Like hunting bighorn. Lots of spotting - and walking. Bring a good spotting scope among with your binos and take your time.
Never hunted there though.
Good Luck!!!
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