Well-Known Member
Optika 10x42 will be $299I plan on new 10x42 binos as well. What are the main difference between the 3 lines of binos?
MeoPro 10x42 $499
I don't think you would notice much difference between the Optika and Meopros. Technically, the Optika is the "MeoPro Optika". Same coatings on the lenses, same light transmission, same metal chassis.
MeoStar 10x42 HD $999
You will notice a fairly big difference when jumping up to the Meostars. Different coatings, higher light transmissions, etc. This is the case with both scopes and binos also.
In the middle of the day with bright light the $299 Optikas and $999 Meostar would look similar actually. If you went outside right now at 9:15 pm you would see a huuuuge difference. At about 200 yards from my front porch to my neighbors garage light with MeoPro 10x42 the light has a little star bursting effect but still fairly bright image. The MeoStar....There is no star-bursting and I can definitively see the actual bulb and the globe around it as two parts and the overall image is brighter. This is due to the fluoride coatings on the lenses that eliminate glare and color fringing.
If you can afford $1,000 binos then get the MeoStar. I would and have put them up against $2,500 Leica's and Swarovski's and can see no difference. If you just want a really great hunting bino for a reasonable price get the Optika for $300. Most other brands $300 binos have plastic frames and plastic eye cups and Chinese lenses. Optikas have magnesium frames, aluminum eye cups and European lenses.
One downside to the MeoStar is that they are noticeably heavier than the other two. If you do a lot of stalking and hiking then maybe the lighter Optikas or MeoPro would be a better fit, but if you primarily are stand hunting you wouldn't notice much difference