New lightweight build

I didn't know Savage made the lightweight action in 16/116 stainless series or I would have gotten it instead of the blued 11/111 I have. But now I have a reason to do "one more build"....
Savage 16 Lightweight Hunter SS .243 Win. 22520 : Bolt Action Rifles at

Scope suggestions ?? I had a Leupold VX-2 3-9x40 CDS that weighed 12oz. I thought it would be a good scope but it wouldn't dial, so I'm still after a similar lightweight optic with exposed dials. I had considered the Zeiss HD5 2-10x at 18ox or the 3-15.
Any ideas ?
Take a look at bushnell elite. I'm going with the 2.5-16 for mine. I know I can get a lighter one which may still happen but want the extra magnification just in case.
I would scratch the bushnell,way to heavy! I am a huge fan of ultralight rifles but it makes no sense using titanium parts to save 2-5oz when you can save 8-10oz on scope choice.I have a kimber adirondack with a 3-9 vx-2 ultralight with cds,yeah it's not the greatest optic but making weight is a sacrifice,looking forward to seeing your build come together.
I'm with FEENIX on this. I built a light weight .25 caliber. With a 5-25X52 it was still 6lb 13 oz. On one hunt I had to turn the magnification all the way to 25 to verify a buck had three points in order to shoot it. That's something you can't do with a 3-9X or even a 4-12X.
I hear you on the scope I've been doing a lot of digging. I know I can get a lighter scope but they seem to be 3-9x. I'm planning on being able to touch 500-600 and know what I'm shooting also wanting to stalk thick woods which make the bushnell a better option. 2.5-16x and seems to be the lightest one I can find that has a low mag for close and decent mag at the high end. I'll be doing some more looking for 3-? Scopes and weights before I finally decide what I put on. Any recommendations will be looked at that's. I'm not stuck on anything yet.
It better be less than that. Lol I'm shooting for 4.5 lbs with scope if possible I doubt it. Have no idea what it should end up prob 5.5 lbs? Pretty lofty goals but I am headed to pierce Monday to get this thing rolling. Anything else I can think of will be made in ti or carbon fiber.

Did you end up going over to Pierce? How did that go?
Have not been yet for this build. I've been stuck on Long Island for the week At least I'm getting some good BJJ training at Serra BJJ so it's not all bad. I have been to pierce before and really like them. I just gotta get over to drop off money for the build start. I'm a bit swamped lately. Gonna have to take some time off to get caught up. I'll let you know as soon as I do.
This baby is @7.5Lb with the standard BDL wooden stock. I´m waiting for my manners EH-1 to arrive. That should shave a lot of weight.
It´s built on a standard rem 700 Long Action with a 24" sendero Lite proof and a snowy mountain muzzle break.
I bought a Z3 3-10X42 on talley lightweight rings to keep the weight as low as posible.
I built this to be a mountain rifle. It´s chambered in 6.5 GAP


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That's sweet I'm sorting stocks now. I love thumbhole or tactical but don't want to much weight so I'm at xlr Carbon or manners eh5 29 ounces.

You can get one four or five lighter from MPI in Portland, Oregon. The stock on my Weatherby with trigger guard, sling and recoil pad is twenty-four ounces.
Wow, 24oz is light. So, back to optics....I tried the VX-2 3-9x CDS and it wouldn't track so I decided I won't skimp on optics. Still haven't made a choice but in the running are HD5 2-10x ~15oz, VX-6 2-12x ~17oz or 3-18x ~19oz. I want exposed turrets for sure. I have a couple VX-6" and they are pretty good but no experience with the Zeiss. Suggestions ?
Wedgy I'm with you I have a bushnell 2.5- 16? Have to double check its 17 ounces I want one that's good up close and at a far so that large mag is super cool plus I have it already. Also z 5 3.5-18. 15.9 ounces. Part of me says go as light as possible to see how light I can get. But at a certain weight you notice even your heart beat which is high when hunting usually. So I'm wondering if I should just get the stuff I really want like the bushnell and thumbhole stock both which ad a few oz but offer some comfort features. It's still gonna be crazy light with all ti stuff and light stock.
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