New Leadership at Nightforce?


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2005
Northern Virginia
Word on Sniper's Hide is that Jeff Huber is no longer at Nightforce. Anyone verify this or know what is in the future for Nightforce and/or Jeff?

Word on Sniper's Hide is that Jeff Huber is no longer at Nightforce. Anyone verify this or know what is in the future for Nightforce and/or Jeff?


Jeff is out and there are changes coming to Nightforce. I am not sure who holds the reins right now. Tony
Ya jeffs out but there is a rumor that another scope company may be created because of it. If so I can almost garauntee you there will be scopes that will keep up/out do our beloved night forces. Jeff is hard on ****. If they hold up to jeff they are pretty much bullet proof.
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