New gear


Would you classify that pack as a 10 to 12 day pack? I'm in the market for a 10 to 12 day pack and can use all the input from you guys I can get ..
NYSHUNTER, yes, I am planning on using this pack setup for ~12 days this fall in the Colorado high country. Kifaru is great for being able to add additional pockets to any pack that adds extra storage. I'm going on several backpacking trips this summer and will get a good feel for how this pack works and how I want to set it up for the two backpacking hunts I've got planned in October. My old pack has less total storage and I was filled to the brim to stay out for 10 days. So this Kifaru with the additional side/belt pockets will be no problem for a two week hunt.
I got the kifaru emr2 and really like it. I am only 5'8 but they suggested going with the longer stays for packing moose 1/4s. It worked well as a pack and with the load sling. I tried the load sling with minimal straps and it sucked.... They supply a bunch of straps be smart enough to use them....haha
Marshal looks nice, I do like the center zip and complete wrap on the kifaru straps. I wish there were places to try them all in one weekend with real loads.
I'm in NY the best pack I will find anywhere to try on will be a badlands 2200 ... Or a superday. So I really research and use the forum to make my decisions. But owning a crew cab I can comment from packing out quarters MR packs can carry a load very comfortable
I have a Kestrel 2500. Along with the wind speed it gives temperature and absolute pressure. It's totally waterproof too, so I just leave it clipped to the outside of my pack and it's ready to go any time. Great little unit.
Need some feed back on tent stoves such as the Kifaru Box stove or any others ...Has anyone use them before ? Any negatives on using them ?
If you will be near your truck or are packing in with horses the 4 dog titanium is the best I've seen.
If you will be carrying it in a backpack I think the T I Goat WiFi looks like the best option.
If you are on a tight budget Google Ed T backcountry
I'm a Happy Hunter . Just got the pic of my RBros Rifle finished and waiting for barrel break in ..


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If you will be near your truck or are packing in with horses the 4 dog titanium is the best I've seen.
If you will be carrying it in a backpack I think the T I Goat WiFi looks like the best option.
If you are on a tight budget Google Ed T backcountry

I use a DIY stainless version of the Ed T stove - cost about $120 in parts, weighs about 5 ounces more than titanium. One negative is that you'll get dirty taking them down, so I always add an extra pair of disposable gloves for that chore. Make sure you burn it in before you head out, as the new stovepipe can sometimes be a bear to roll the long way the first time. They certainly aren't good for all night - with the 12" long stove I have, a 20-30 minute burn with a full load is typical. Great for knocking of the chill in the evening or morning, or for drying wet clothes. The cylinder ones aren't as good for cooking at the flattop ones as you don't get full metal to metal contact with your pans.
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